Infiltration of the Shie Hassaikai

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Tony, Yuzuki, Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki are on a rooftop facing the Shie Hassaikai complex. All were wearing the Hunter gear. As to not attract attention from passers byers.

Tony whistles.

"Wow it's big," Tony joked.

"My place is bigger," Yuzuki said.

"Your family has owned it for centuries," Tony shot back.

"So the plan, Redgrave," Mirio asked.

"Simple. First off, we will be in a two, one two formation. With me and you in front. We will be the front line defenses and disable traps but I doubt we will really need to fight. In the middle will be Yuzuki. In her night form she had better control over her Displacement ability. She will prevent others from noticing us. And in the back will be Nejire and Tamaki. They will cover our backs and use their quirks to cover us. But most of all protect Yuzuki. With her power activated no one should be able to notice us."

"Okay," the Mirio and Nejire shouted.

Izuku and Yuzuki hit the two.

"This is a stealth mission. So silence is paramount," the two hunters said in a low tone.

"Sorry," the heroes said.

"Okay. As the next part. We will search for Mimic. He is a short guy with the ability to fuse with his surrounding and manipulate them. If we want to minimize damage and make ourselves undetected he is our first target. Understood," Tony informs the group.

They nod their head.

"From there we can split up into two groups. Mirio-senpai, Nejire-senpai, and I are combat team while Tamaki-senpai and Yuzuki are the data extraction team. Here," Tony then tosses everyone a demonic mask and a set of round objects.

"Cute. What are they?" Nejire asks as she puts on the mask.

"Sleep gas pellets. Slam them on the ground and anyone who inhales the smoke will be asleep for 12 hours. The mask is woven with materials  that counter act the sleep agents in the smoke."

The big three carefully put away the pellets.

"Yuzuki and Tamaki  I want you to find their databases, copy them and destroy them. Above all else I want you to avoid combat as much as possible till you get the data. I know you can easily take care of yourself but I want that data found to give to heroes to help prosecute them."

"O...okay," Tamaki said.

"Got it," Yuzuki said.

"Now for the combat team. I also want us to be as stealthy as possible but we will slowly make our way to their boss. Kai Chisaki aka Overhaul. And his Eight Bullets. Once they are found defeat and capture them."

"Got it but can we go by our hero name instead of our real names," Mirio asks.

"Sure. What are they?" Tony asks.

"Lemillion," Mirio said


"Because I want to save a million lives," Mirio answered.

"Suneater," Tamaki said.


"Nejire-chan," Nejire said.

The hunters comedicly fell to the floor.

"That isn't much of a code name," Yuzuki  said.

"Okay I'm calling you Tenanye for this mission," Tony said.

"What is a Tenanye?" Nejire asks.

"Cheerful Fairy queen," Tony answered.

Nejire's face turns red.

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