Demon Beast/Dragon Cannon

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Shigaraki is standing on a water tower, admiring the sight of the chaos. How the heroes chase his Nomus but are too weak to truly do anything to abominations.

"Hehehe. Let's see who is more important. Now Stain," Shigaraki says.

Kurogiri appears.

"Young master."

"Did you find him?"

"I have but there is a complication."


River stares at the heroes in training.

"This is your final chance to leave. I will not chase or interfere with your escape. It is no fun to torture an already broken toy," River tells them as he turns his back to the two.

They meant nothing to him. All River wanted was to watch Blanche fight and step in if needed.

Todoroki trys to drag Iida. But Iida did not want to leave his prey, not when he was so close. Iida shoves Todoroki to the side.

Iida couldn't believe that the new villian was so arrogant to turn his back to him. Believing his speed was greater than the bandaged man, he charges straight for Stain.

Iida was about to pass River. He gave a smirk to the mummy. But the moment Iida was right next to River, Iida felt something impact his throat and flipped over. Falling on his back. Iida gripping his throat.

"Tsk. He was too slow," River states.

Todoroki was shocked. He couldn't believe it. Iida was clotheslined in the last possible moment. River stretched out his left arm in a fraction of a second. It was so fast that Todoroki could swear he heard a whip like sound, and tearing flesh.

Todoroki snapped out his daze when he noticed the expression on River's face. It was one filled with disgust.

Using his courage Todoroki asks, "What do you mean he was too slow?"

"I meant to decapitate him. But he was too slow that he only crashed into my arm instead of me piercing through his neck. Pity," River calmly says.

Todoroki felt his blood run cold. Iida was saved only due to him being too slow for his opponent.

River approaches the squirming Iida. He grabs the injured idiot by his hair pulling him to eye level. Iida looked like a fish gasping for air. One could hear the desperate need for air Iida required.

Even from Todoroki's location, one could spot the massive bruising on Iida's throat. It was horribly discolored.

Iida eyes were watering and red due to the lack of air. He could feel something in his throat was broken and scrapping on his esophagus. Even the feeling of his blood pooling in his throat. Making breathing nothing more than a dream for the young hero.

River drops the broken man.

"Fractured thyroid cartilage, rupture of the esophagus lining, excessive hemorrhaging, blue lips indicates hypoxia. Possible damage to the various  cervical vertebrae of the spinal cord. Which might lead to impaired motor function, difficulty breathing, and possible paralysis," River states.

River looks at his left sleeve to see a blood stain. He then looks at his left hand to see some blood on bandages wrapped around his finger tips.

"Maybe he had some speed. But now. What a miserable sight. I believe I destroyed his future hero career," River said with a sad tone.

River turned to face Todoroki. Todoroki felt his soul leave him. While River spoke in a sorrowful voice, the expression on the bandaged man could bring terror to even the most demented psychopathic killer. The sheer glee the man had yet the indifference in his eyes expressed. Was not something a human could pull.

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