The Clash of Demons

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The following fight after the Redgrave wasn't as eventful. Giving the audience a chance to relax.

Tetsutetsu vs Nejire became a battle of stamina. Sadly for the Metal hero his endurance was not as great as the periwinkle heroine.

Tetsutetsu was forces to over use his quirk in order to defend against her Nejire waves.

And even when he did managed to dodge he never noticed that she was positioning him towards the edge of the arena. And in one final attack she pushed him off. Tetsutetsu just laughed at his lose. Nejire gave him a hand and the two walked off stage laughing.

Sadly, the fight between Kendo and Seishirou was not as amicable.

As soon as Midnight announced the start of the match. Seishirou blitzed Kendo. He punched her in the gut. The force caused her to become ungrounded.

Before she could even touch the ground, he proceeds to assault her. Blow by blow. The crowd could see the bruises forming on Kendo. She attempted to enlarge her hands yo help block the attack but that just made her a bigger target. She attempted to kick her opponent but he caught her kick. Then slammed her down repeatedly. The force caused her to be knocked out and her body went limp. But not having enough, Seishirou continued to beat on Kendo, making it hard for Midnight to check Kendo's condition. She even ripped her costume in attempt to knock Seishirou out and end the match but Seishirou's quirk helped filter out the air he breathes. It rendered her quirk inert.

Each time Midnight was about to end the match, Seishirou would slam the platform to disrupt her talking or drow out her voice. She knew she wasn't strong enough to stop him. She couldn't help but feel powerless in this situation.

The crowd were wondering why they weren't stopping the match. The truth was they were. All Might was blocking every other teacher from ending the match early.

It started with reasonable statements like, "It is too early to determine a winner, it might be possible for the shojo to turns it around."

But once they noticed she was knocked out he threatened to beat anyone that interfered with the match.

But then in a flash, Sophia kicked Seishirou out of the arena. Lucius picks up Kendo. He checks on her condition.

"She will live but this I going to leave some trauma," Lucius states. "Kinari is going to be out for blood soon."

After saying his peice, he vanishes.

Sophia glares at the blond idiot.

"Enough! You have won. You are just torturing the girl. Just wait for our round I will teach you hell is a vacation when I'm done with you," Sophia promised.

"How dare you? You have no right to stop the match. I demand she be eliminated for interference," Seishirou demanded.

"Don't order me boy. I should eliminate you for excessive force but seeing as you are too immature I think forcing you to get a taste of your own medicine would be better," Midnight declares.

"The winner by KO is Seishirou Yagi. Let's hope his next opponents are just as merciful to him as he was to Kendo," she announces in disgust.

The crowd was silent many wanted to cause a fuss. But refrained when they remembered who he might face in the finals. And everyone gave a knowing smile. It would either be the wrathful demoness or the prideful demon.

Then it was time for the semi-finals.

Trish took the referee position once more.

"Now Present Mic announces our contestants," she ordered.

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