And The Winner is.....

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"Care to repeat that?" Trish asks.

"I wish to be removed from the match," Lucius repeats.

The crowd becomes silent but laughter could be heard.

"Mei why are you laughing?" Momo questions, "You do know he just promised to marry Yokaze and Mikua. Give up his hunter career. And let not forget go back to being called Izuku?"

"Pssshh. Like he did that. He most likely placed a loop hole in his bet. But that is for later. Don't you see what he just did?" Mei asks.

Yuzuki and Momo look at her funny.

"Care to explain your decision," Trish orders.

"I mean I did over do it. I mean," Lucius begins as he pulls up Seishirou, "I don't think this is a face a mother could recognize. Though I doubt his mother knows anything about him. This is a clear case of excessive use of force. I utterly destroyed my opponent. It was a one sided beat down. I might have been angry for what he did to Kendo but I didn't have to go this far."

Lucius gives a slight chuckle.

"It would only stain the reputation of this school if such actions were rewarded. So I wish to remove myself from this match," Lucius declares.

"Okay we accept Lucius wish to forfeit the match. First place goes to Seishirou Yagi. Second, goes to the real victor, Lucius Redgrave. Third goes to Sophia Bluegrave and Nejire Hado," Nezu announces, "please return in 15 minutes for the reward ceremony."

15 minutes later.

The four were placed in a podiums. Sophia and Nejire share the shortest podium marked for third place. The two girls were grinning and laughing as they talked to one another.

Next to them was Lucius. He was standing on the second place podium. He was talking with Sophia and Nejire. The three were having a enjoyable conversation.

Nejire was jumping up and down.

"Sowhenareyougoingtomakeanothermoreshavedice.TherearestillflavorsIwanttoaddtoit.Comeon.Comeon.Iwantmore.Youcanmakemore.Right.Right.Please.Pleasemakemore," Nejire said still in her sugar high.

"Maybe but I would need my girlfriends help to make more," Lucius says.

"Thenletsgogetthem," Nejire demands.

Before Lucius and Sophia could make a comment Bayonetta, Midnight, and Trish appear.

"Well its great to see most of you," Midnight said.

"Most of them," Trish repeated as she looks at Seishirou.

Seishirou was in a full body cast strapped to a chair on the first place podium. He was barely conscious.

"Well not all top heroes are likable. Take Endeavor for example. He might be number 2 but he will never get the number one spot. Not with his aditude," Bayonetta explained.

The now conscious Endeavor was pissed when her heard that. He would act but knew better than to act on impulse in a public space. He just bottled his rage for now.

"Okay give a round applause for our top three," Midnight announces.

The crowd does as they were told.

Then Trish move a microphone towards Lucius.

"Now my nephew, why would you give up first place and pass it on to your opponent?" She asks.

"First in hate liars," he tells her.

Trish and the crowd look at him confused.

"I mean he did say he was going to win this competition. By handing him first place he is now an honest person," Lucius jokes.

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