Hospital Visit

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Warning: Two scenes of sexual violence and one of torture.

Normally I wouldn't put such warning since I made it a given that this story is going to be violent, a graphic but unrealistic almost cartoony amount of violence. But I think it is necessary for sexual assualt and going too far with violence like deliberate torture.

Last time I gave a warning was in "Burning Bridges". Even that one was half hearted. But I think this chapter might make that one seem tame. While nothing graphic on the sexual assualt is elaborated on, their results won't be hidden.

You have been warned.


"I'm going to enjoy...."

Lucius interrupts the demonic Nighteye by trying to slash the creature. But Nighteye's corrupted quirk allows him to move in a way to prevent Lucius's blade from touching him.

After a while, Lucius stops his assault.

Lucius and the creature known as Nighteye glare at one another. Lucius was the first one to break the silence.

"How does something with my blood look so ugly? I mean look at Mary," Lucius jest.

Mary giggles at the attention.

"Who is daddy's baby girl?" Lucius coos at the Mary.

Mary makes happy baby noises.

Lucius jumps out of the way of gurney thrown at him.

"Oi, Zealot of the faux American Jason. I was having a moment with my daughter," Lucius reprimands, "well then again a fake would worship a fraudulent idol in a cheap attempt to give their hoax of a life meaning. Even if it's a fabrication of justice."

"All Might was a god. A symbol of peace. We needed him to put fear in..."

"See that Mary," Lucius say as he makes Mary look at Nighteye.

"That is what we call person with a screw loose, a lost cause, pathetic," Lucius says the last word with a coldness that could freeze the sun, "You shouldn't turn into that kind of person."

Mary stares at Nighteye for a moment.

Nighteye approaches Mary.

Mary focuses harder on the creature.

"I will not be ign....."

Mary sneezes into Nighteye's mouth.

Nighteye gags at the taste.

Lucius begins cracking up. Mary looks confused for a moment before laughing with her father.

Lucius rubs Mary's faces. She purrs.

"That's my girl. Silencing, big headed demons," Lucius praises his daughter.

Mary pulls on his face as revenge.

"Whu.... ish... my..... wi.... ill... re.... bel?" Lucius says as Mary pulls his cheek.

Lucius pulls Mary off and tosses her in the air. A fire extinguisher invades the space the two were at. Lucius appears on Nighteye's back with Mary tightly wrapped in her blanket. She makes angry noises for being trapped.

"I got to ask Nighty. How does someone with future sight get a snot rocket to land in their mouth?" Lucius asks with a smile.

"Enough with your poor excuse of humor, boy," Nighteye hisses.

"Isn't it your policy for heroes to have a sense of humor?"

"You are no hero. You are nothing more than a brat throwing a tantrum at the world. Enough of your incentive crying!" Nighteye bellows.

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