The Wager

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"Momo?" Lucius says.

It had been some time since he had last seen her. She seemed to have grown. Before she would be considered tall for a Japanese woman at 173cm (5'8") she is now 191cm (6'3") but still shorter than his 200cm (6'7") but she was definitely taller than Latte's 173cm (5'8") and Himiko's 166cm (5'5").

Momo had also become a bit more muscular. She still dresses in a similar manner he had chosen for her villain persona. She looks like a warrior princess. He couldn't keep his stop his eyes from wandering across her form. He only stopped when their eyes crossed.

Her gaze has a fierce edge to them that hides her sadness directed at him.

He was about to speak but she beat him to it.


Her cold voice stabbed his heart. Lucius decided to remain seated. He takes a deep breath.

"You have matured. I've heard you have gained your Hunter License," Lucius states with a calm voice.

"I have. If you must know, I am currently an A-rank Hunter. I see you have restarted your harem. I see we were easily replaced," Momo affirms.

That angered Lucius.

"You have all right to be angry at me but don't you dare take that anger at them. And I never replaced you. I just accepted none of you wanted me, really wanted to support me. You only wanted my power for your own gain," Lucius responds but his voice weakens at the end.

Momo turns to hide her reaction.

Lucius glares at Tsukune and Moka.

"Your actions disgust me," Lucius tells the two Dark Lords.

"We feel the same with you boy," Moka states.

"Release our daughters," Tsukune orders.

"You do not control me, Tsukune. Continue to test my patience and I will seal your daughter's powers permanently," Lucius informs the demonic leader.

Tsukune was about to strike Lucius but then his daughters began to grab their throats, trying to gain breath.

"I will not warn you a second time," Lucius reminds the man.

Tsukune walks to his seat.

"Harm my girls again and I will kill you," Moka threatens.

Lucius scoffs at her threat.

"Kill me and the chokers will burn their demon blood till only human blood remains," Lucius promises.

Moka's Creation flares at his words.

"ENOUGH!" Rikuo orders.

Moka and Tsukune glare at him.

"You may rule the Japan's Hunter Network but remember it is my clan that rules over the Eastern portion of Japan and controls Kantō. Now, sit down so we can start," Rikou orders.

Everyone takes their seats. Tsurara came into the room and served everyone their tea. She served Aono side with warm tea, and lukewarm tea to Lèmèi and Zìyóu but she froze Lucius and Himiko's tea.

Lucius turns to Lèmèi, Zìyóu, and Himiko. He requests for their cups. And using True Samādhi Flames he warms their tea.

"Here you go Lèmèi."

"Thanks, master."

"Oh, Zìyóu can I bother you to provide music during the meeting," Lucius requests.

Zìyóu smiles.

"No problem master. I will start after finishing my tea," Zìyóu informs his master.

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