Crashing A Funeral

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Okay on the vote Option B won by a land slide. But I just couldn't justify skipping option A and relegating it as a flash back. So I am releasing three chapters today. This chapter is just something I started for option b but I thought it didn't make sense to write it as for as a time skip so I made it it's own chapter. The second chapter is option A of the Vote. The third chapter is Option B the time skip. It might be a little late but it will come soon.

The year of Izuku's death there are no longer high-schools that hold hero courses. After many complaints from the public the Hero commission was forced to reformatted how they can continue making new heroes. One can only take hero courses when they enter college and university.

Though, high school do have course where students could practice their quirk but it is only available to "star" students.

Midnight, Eraserhead, and Present Mic were hired as professors at UA University. Midnight as a Modern Hero Art and ran the Sex Appeal Hero course. The course had to do with using your natural allure to trick your opponent(s) to lead them into traps, manipulate them, or extract information from them.

Present Mic was hired as a English and Hero Marketing course. Where he would advise his student how to choose sponsorships and endorsement deals that correspond to their brand. Also on how to avoid entering into unfavorable deals with companies.

Erasurehead of one of the main instructors for the Hero intro course. He would also have a Stealth hero course but only if he found enough students with potential so it was rarely available to take.

In Izuku's funeral, it was mourned by Inko, Yokaze, Mikua, Nemuri, Hizashi, Torino, and Chiyo. Toshinori, Seishirou, and Aizawa were dragged. Toshinori and Seishirou by Inko and Yokaze. Aizawa by Nemuri and Hizashi. The rest of the Bakugous were there as well.

They morned infront an ash urn. Once the procession was done they split the ashes between Inko, Yokaze, Mikua, and Nemuri. The ashes were places in special lockets for each.

"I can't believe he is dead," mourned Chiyo.

Torino smacks Toshinori with his cane, "How could you have let this happen you sorry excuse of a parent?"

"It not my fault he went to you know who," he replied.

"What in the world are you talking about Toshi," Torino asked.

"He knew about AFO and OFA. He even taunted me in English," damn bastard.

Torino gives him another smack with his can. He then pull him down, "Don't tell me had something to do with this?"

"I have nothing to anything to do with his death. Anyways, he got what he deserved, joining villians. I bet he told them about my quirk," Toshinori said full of spite.

Torino then punched him in the stomach causing him to gasp for air. This caught everyone's attention.

"You fool. I told him about your quirk."

"What? Why? When?" Toshinori questioned.

"I told him because he heard you two talk about him not being your son, about eight years ago. Remember when I took care of him for a few days. I even told him how you have his mother's mementos. He then asked me what OFA was. I asked why and he asked to know if it belonged to his mother. His "real" mother. It you don't believe me ask Chiyo. She was there when I told him," Torino shouted at the blonde.

Toshinori looked at Chiyo.

"He is telling the truth. On the second day Izuku was Torino he asked Torino if he knew anything about him mom," she said.

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