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"Hey Bayo-san, I have a question to ask."

"Any thing child, ask away."

"Do I even deserve to be born? Am I not a curse?"

Bayonetta felt her heart freeze when she heard those words.

"Of course. You are a kind soul. It would be a shame if you were not born. There is no such thing as a cursed existence. Why would you even ask that?"

Lucius escapes her embrace. He stand up. As he stand by a wall. He looks away.

"I mean every woman that tries to get near me always loses a part of themselves," Lucius says in a tired voice.

"You know that isn't true. How can you say that?" Bayonetta questions as she tries to put a hand on his shoulder.

He swats her hand away. She had a hurt look. Lucius turns away.

"Because it's true. I mean let's go with chronological order. First my mother dies trying to protect this curse. Yokaze and Mikua were corrupted by their brothers because they hated me. Mei lost her arms because of me. You lost your daughter for six years. Inko left her family because of me. Momo lost her humanity. Yuzuki almost died because of me. How am I not cursed?"

Bayonetta really wanted to say something to the boy but know he would just find another angle for his self-loathing. So she held her tounge.

"I know I'm over reacting but quiet times like this let those thoughts consume my mind," Lucius says as if it didn't mean anything.

Bayonetta never felt so helpless.

She could only ask, "So what are you going to do now?"

"Nothing. I'm just talking out loud," Lucius says as he summons Yamito.

He slashes the air.

"Bye, Bayonetta," he says before entering the portal.

Bayonetta reached her arm out. Then she woke up with her arm stretched out.

Bayonetta sat up. She wiped the tears of her face. She couldn't believe that she remembered that conversation. She regretted not knowing how to answer the young man.

"I hope you are in peace now boy," Bayonetta prayed.

She walked towards a cabinet. She pulled out a bottle of sake and a glass. She takes the items over to a small chair and table. She pours herself a glass.

She consumed a few glasses then went back to bed. Hoping the alcohol could ease her sleep.

She woke later and got dressed in a long red Chinese dress with a golden floral design. She glanced at herself in the mirror.

"Oh. I still have it. I will need to beat the boys back," she said to herself.

'Come Bayo-san. You still need to even when you are dressed like a nun,' an imaginary Lucius told her.

"I'm not dressed like a nun, I am a nun," Bayonetta retorts.

She had a smile but soon to it turned into a pained look. The boy had left a heavy impression in her mind. How vividly she could hear his voice and accurately she could guess his response. That she believed he was there in the room with her. Only to turn around and see an empty room.

Bayonetta took a deep breathe and steeled herself. Because no matter how sad she was, Mei and Sophia must have felt worse.

Bayonetta grabbed her bags and exited the orphanage. She left Tsukauchi and Goat in charged. They had been at the orphanage enough times that the kids would listen to them. She could trust Tsukauchi to keep things organized while Goat could distract the more rowdy kids.

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