Demon vs. Symbol. Vs Lord

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Hound Dog lifts himself out of the rubble. He cradles Himiko, but his right shoulder begins to throb. He notices there was a piece of shrapnel embedded in it. 

He growls at the pain but choose to leave the concrete in. Hound Dog then looks at the girl. He begins to growl at how malnourished and weak the girl is currently. He moves his injured arm to tap his communicator. 

"Thishh raawwww Hound Roug. Need.... Raww evac. I raaaaavve an injured ...... rictim. She.... needs..... immmead..... iate help," Hound Dog growls out. 

"We hear you Hound," Pixie Bob says, "We will go pick you up in 10."

"Rive. You have resh than rive," he growls back. 

"Um. Yes. I'm on it. Any info as to why there were explosions?" Pixie Bob questions. 

"I don't row about rahhh.... the other....... rawcations .... but... my rictim.... rad a bomb in rer. It rash remove but it ex.... roled afterrrr a short rrrille," Hound Dog repsonds. 

"Shit! Is the viticm okay," Pixie Bob dumbly ask. 

"GRRRRRRR Arf RAff Raaaa rrrrrrrr," Hound Dog barks back.

Pixie Bob and anyone else listening to their conversation flinch at his reaction. Pixie Box slap her forehead for noticing how dumb her question was. 

It was then that the group going to collect Hound Dog. They find him with his right arm covered in bloodied fur and in his left cradling a body bag. When they get closer, finally see the girl's face. There was a vacant look on her eyes and her skin was a ghoulish color. 

Hound Dog looks up to see Pixie Bob, Ectoplasm, Shinya (a member of the old Idaten), and Slugger. Shinya was the brave one to get closer to Hound Dog. 

"May, I. I have some medical expertise. Nowhere near Recovery girl but I might be able to get her more stable," Shinya say. 

Hound Dog slowly places the girl down. Shinya opens the coat, and almost gags at the sight of the girl. She pulls out from her sleeves various alcohol wipes, a few pills and a bottle of water. She cleans the wounds as best as she could. Wiping the spot of injury first then outwards. She looks at the pills she has and make a cocktail of medication throws them into her mouth, a mouthful of water, and gives the girl mouth to mouth. 

Himiko never reacted but swallows the medication none the less. 

Everyone was amazed at her actions. She wipes her mouth. 

"Look we are trying to save lives and not care about decency. I might have a few injections i can give her but her arms show that her body might give a negative reaction. Now, stop acting like prudes and lets go back. This is too much action for me," Shinya says with a yawn. 

She then moves towards Hound Dog. She gives him a pill and pulls some herbs and begins to crush it. 

Hound Dog looks at her.

"Swallow it, it will lessen the pain. And this poultice should clot your blood and improve recovery," she informs the dog man. 

"Do you have an injection for the pain? I still have a dog's gag reflex and can't swallow pills," Hound Dog says.

Shinya rolls her eyes and pulls out a needle and jabs him in the shoulder. 

"Okay, what is your quirk?" Slugger ask. 

"I call it Nothing Up My Sleeves, as long as I can put it in my sleeves I can store it. So the bigger my sleeves, the more I can store," Shinya states. 

Slugger rolls his eyes but then he spots something strange. He sees a katana. He runs towards the blade and picks it up. 

"Oh ho ho. Now this is a find. I think i should change my name from Slugger to Ronin," Slugger says.

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