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Tony walks over to the table.

"Nezu sir it's safe to come out," Tony said out loud.

Nezu walked out from under the meeting table wearing a gas mask. He dusted himself off. He then looks around the room. He see various people down and badly hurt.

"I must say this act is a good reminder to never call you by that name," Nezu states.

Tony just nods.

"Did you kill them?"

"No I managed to hold back just enough to not kill them. Though they will be feeling this for quite a while. You might want to call for medical attention. Or they might have permanent damage," Tony informed the creature.

"I have already called for some of staff from UA to be ready and heal them. But I assume Recovery Girl might be quite upset with most of them," Nezu announces.

"Yeah Chiyo-baachan really dislike repeat patients."

"Have you informed her of your survival?"

"No. It just so happened to slip my mind. I might as well come with you to get these idiots there faster and get my beating," Tony says rubbing his head knowing where she is going to whack him.

They walk out of the room to see the Sophia, Mei, Yuzuki, The Big Three, Gran Torino, and Kaoruko waiting outside.

"Um sorry about that ummmmm...... outburst. You guys," Tony says.

Then he gets a kick to the stomach from Torino. Tony falls on his ass.

"Fuck. That actually hurt. Jiichan. Good to see that old age hasn't made you weaker," Tony says as he takes off his mask to reveal a smile.

Torino goes up to Tony and gives the young man a hug. Tony reciprocates the hug.

"You idiot grandson. Why didn't you tell me you were alive? Don't you know how much me and Chiyo mourned for you?" Torino scold the young man.

Tony couldn't help but to smile. He missed talking to the old man. He might be rough but he was kind and honest.

"Sorry too much happened in this week. I promise to visit you on Sunday. I would say Saturday but I have a date planned for that day," Tony replied.

Torino just gave a smile.

"Really now who is the lucky girl?"

"The girl who save the shy mess over there," Tony says pointing at Tamaki facing a corner.

Torino then looks at Yuzuki.

"I must say kid you know how to pick them," Torino laughed. "Wait then what about the pink haired girl that kissed you earlier."

"You mean Mei. She is my girlfriend. Wait it might be better to if they introduce themselves. Right ladies," Tony called out.

The girls stepped forward.

"Hello sir. I am Mei Hatsume Goldstein. Inventor, Artisan, and Demon hunter. I've known him for 10 years. He told me much about you. When he went missing so did I. And I am Izuku's girlfriend. Though it an open relationship. You know try new thing and what not. But should anyone hurt him I will hurt them back," Mei told the man.

"Quite a spit fire. It's a pleasure Mei. I hope you and this fool have a happy life be it together or not," Torino told the girl.

"We will," she replied giving him a thumbs up.

Torino then sees that her hand is mechanical.

"If it's not much can I ask you how you lost your hand?"

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