Mission: Destroy the Hive

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The remaining members of 1-A move through a hospital to find their sole injured classmates. 

"Hey, Kirishima. We brought you a pineapple," Sero cries out. 

Just as the words were finished, Sero, Asui, Shoji, and Aoyama walk into the hospital room. 

Everyone stare at the bandage side of Kirishima. 

Asui being her blunt self says what everyone was thinking, "You look like shit."

"You really have no filter," Sero states. 

Asui just shrugs.

"We were all thinking it," Asui responds. 

Everyone couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle. 

"So they couldn't fix your arm?" Asui asks. 

"No. What he fired caused tissue damage. The nerves in my severed arm had died, and the muscles were starting to decay by the time the ambulance came to collect us," Kirishima answered. 

Asui places her index finger on her lips before speaking, "I think you deserved it."

Those words caused the group to freeze at her words. 

Kirishima began to glare at Asui. 

"I tried to save our friend. You just stood back doing nothing," Kirishima fired back.

"Like how you helped against that mist villain that took down Thirteen. All you did was prevent real heroes from doing their jobs. And let me correct you, Yagi and Bakugou aren't our friend, they are just our classmates. You were the only one that wanted to hang out with the most villainous of our class," Asui counters. 

"What is wrong with you? They are our friends. How can you coldly state they are villainous?" Kirishima questions. 

Somehow, Asui's unreadable face expresses "are you kidding me?" energy.

"How about the way they treat the rest of our class like extras?"

"They are just prideful."

"How they punch first and ask questions never?"

"They are trying to be combat heroes."

"How Katsuki's personal dictionary consist 97% of vulgarities?"

"He wears his heart on his sleeve."

"Sleeves made of explosive wire. Then what about, how often Yagi makes misogynistic remarks about girls being heroes?"

"He is just showing his gentlemanly side of not wanting women getting hurt," Kirishima says, trying to defend his friend.

"How are you going to defend times he uses his quirk during quirkless combat?"

"He can't turn it off, plus we need to be prepared for unfair fights."

 "Then how the Yagis and the Bakugous tortured Redgrave when they were younger?"

"You are going to take the words of that evil bastard. How are you sure they are telling the truth and not trying to ruin their good name?" Kirishima questions back. 

"I don't know. How Bakugou Katsuki keeps shouting out qurikless like it's some sort of slur. How Bakugou is always the first to attack. How Bakugou Mikua tried to kill Mei in the Sport Festival. How Yagi Yokaze was arrested at I-Island. Seishirou never denies it any of the alligations like he is proud of it," Asui points out. 

"Um... Um.."

"I would think long and hard if I were you, kero. And try to defend your placement in the hero course," Asui states. 

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