Forgetting the Past, New beginnings

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Inko was frantically cleaning her home. At her dinner table was two plates of Katsudon. They were cold at this point.

"He's late. Maybe he was just lieing to get back at me," Inko thought out loud.

She stops moving. She then began to embrace herself.

"I can't blame him. He never wanted to forgive me. Sorry so.."

Inko stopped when she heard a bag of chips open. She turned to the source.

She saw he Izuku all grown up. He didn't have his mask on. How could she forget those eyes. They used to light up when they saw her, but now they hold nothing but contempt. She couldn't believe he didn't have his diamond formation freckles. He had near flawless skin except for the scar that ran across his face. If not for that she would have thought he was someone else.

He was the one that was eating the chips. But what surprised her more was the fact that he was with three ladies. All students of the school. The Yaoyorozu heir, Momo Yaoyorozu. The Demon of the support course dubbed by Powerloader, Mei Hatsume Goldstein. And the quiet prankster, Yuzuki Nura.

'Why are they with my son?' she thought.

But she pushed that to the side her missing son was back.

"IZUKU!" she cried out.

She ran to hug him but land onto an empty couch. She got up to see him by the dinning table.

"Two plates. Were you expecting someone, Inko-san?" Tony questioned.

It hurt Inko to hear her son say her name in such a cold manner. He said her name as if it were just a word. No emotion.

"I was expecting you so...."

"I said I would show up. Not that I would eat with you. Either way I loathe Katsudon," Tony told her.

"But, you used to love it so...."

"I never liked it. Your daughter did. And it was one of the few item where I was allowed to eat, with your family. Do not conflate the two."

"I'm sorry so...."

"Now you are sorry. It was your choice to raise me. It was your choice to abandon me. Now Inko I want my mother's keepsake. And I know you have it," Tony demanded.

"If I give it to you will you forgive me," inko sheepishly asks.

The girls were shocked she would ask such a thing. They then turned to Tony.

Tony began to laugh. It began normal enough but each following laugh became more and more distorted. Inko and Momo covered their ears. No human should hear the maniacal laugh Tony was making. They knew it would haunt their nightmares for years to come.

But then Tony abruptly stopped. He stared at Inko. Inko could feel his gaze piercing her very soul. She felt her blood run cold. She looked away. She wanted to avoid looking into his eyes, fearing for her life.

"Look. At. Me. Inko," Tony demanded.

Having no choice she did as she was told. She looked directly into his eyes. She immediately regretted ever asking that question. While his face was neutral, his eyes were filled with nothing but disgusting at the woman. Now to him she wasn't a woman she was nothing more than filth that stained his shoes that he wanted nothing more than to remove from existence.

"You have a lot of nerve to deny what is rightfully mine. What right do you have to prevent me from getting my mother's momento?"

"But I'm your moth...."

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