The End of the Shie Hassaikai

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Before Mirio and Tamaki headed to their location Tamaki walked over to Shin.

"Tamaki what are you up to," Mirio asks.

"Redgrave keeps saying this is a stealth mission right," Tamaki states in a  questioning manner.


"Then wouldn't it be best to head to the location in a disguise?" Tamaki asks as he uncovers Shin.

Mirio gives a grin and helps Tamaki undress Shin. Shin was dressed in a manner that covers most his body and a mask that completely covers his face.

Then Tamaki put the Yakuza member's clothes on. He was a near spotless duplicate of Shin. Then Tamaki stuffed his hair into Shin's hat.

"See you later," Tamaki said as he moved towards the meet up.

Mirio on the other hand ran towards the ventilation room.

"Good luck."

At the meet up location one can see an angry Overhaul. Chronostasis on his right. And three men infront of Overhaul  The largest of the three had a ripped sleeved shirt. He looked like on who abused steroids to get his physique. The second largest appeared to be one that whom tried to naturally bulk up. He looked like he was built for both speed and power. He was dress as one that you would normally find in a bar fight. The last of the men was dressed in a yukata. It appeared he only worked out enough to stay fit.

The location was a large room it appeared to look mote like a dojo than a random room.

"Where is everyone else?" Overhaul growled out.

"I heard Deidoro had a drinking contest with a new recruit and lost," the yukata wearing man said.

"WAIT! SOMEONE OUT DRANK THAT DIRTY BASTARD," the massive man shouted.

"Quiet you two, we are in the presences of Overhaul-dono," Chronostasis orders.

"Not like it matters that weak bastard would only slow us down. Now unless the you want to give to  fight you or sent me beat someone, tell me now or I will leave. This is a waste of my time if it isn't," the last of the man said as he crossed his arms.

"Rappa don't make me disassemble you," Overhaul said.

"Just try it. I've been itching for a rematch," Rappa said as he struck a fighting pose.

The yukata wearing man walks up to Rappa and places a hand on his shoulder.

"Let's calm down. Come on Rappa Overhaul appears annoyed maybe it might really be an order that allows you to cut loose. Though I pray it isn't," the man comments.

Rappa pulls his shoulder away.

"Tsk. But it isn't you will be my punching bag for thirty minutes, Tengai," Rappa threatened.

"Um.... Overhaul may I inquire the nature of this meeting," Tengai asks.

Just then just then Shin appears.

"Forgive my tardiness. I attempted to wake up but Deidoro but he is back out drunk," Shin told the group.

"Why do you sound funny?" Chronostasis asks.

"Deidoro forced me to drink some sake from the newbie. It hurt my throat," Shin replied.

Tamaki was hoping they wouldn't ask him more questions then he felt a hand on his shoulder. He want to jump but a another pair of hands stop him.

"Shhhh. It me chicken-senpai. Just act natural. I will use my powers to make the rest ignore you," Yuzuki told the man.

Tamaki nodded. Then he heard a stifled laugh.

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