A Day of a Spy

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Shiretoko felt empty after her conversation with River. How his tone changes during the conversation. As if he was trying to hold in his emotions about something. What made it worse was that she was constantly using her quirk on the man.

She felt like a mouse and him the demonic cat ready to eat her after playing her. But kept it up, to find an opening. It was a terrifying moment. The spikes of his power and the cracks that appeared and disappears during the conversation.

Feeling tired she moves to the lone bed in the building. She cried herself to sleep that night.

Ragdoll walked out of the onsen. She was using a towel to dry her hair. It was then she spots Aizawa.

"Hey Eraser-kun. Getting ready for an early dip in the onsen. Need any help," Ragdoll teases.

Aizawa freezes when he hears that.

"Ragdoll, please be professional," Aizawa deadpans.

Ragdoll smiles at his words. She walks closer to him and slides her right index finger on Aizawa's chest.

"Aw. Come on E... rai... ser... kun we are both adults. You need to lighten up," she cooes out, "Or do I need to get into my costume so you can get interested in me."

Aizawa annoyed grabs her arm and pushes her to the wall as he glares down on her. His eyes blazing red and hair waving in the air.

"Never do that again," Aizawa growls out.

Ragdoll begins to chuckle. Aizawa is surprised at the act.

"Hahahaha. Aizawa. Are you a bit too easy to rile up for being an underground hero," Ragdoll says before pulling her arms away.

"Midnight is right that you need to loosen up," she teases as she struts away, "Remember tight muscles are slower than relaxed muscle. That stiffness can do more harm than good. I think you should get Midnight or Joke to relieve you of that tension. I would but you aren't my type."

Aizawa is bright red. To save his dignity he walks into the onsen.

During breakfast.

The Wild Wild Pussycats are siting in a table together. Pixie-bob notices how Aizawa gives Ragdoll casual glances but looks away when Ragdoll looks at him. Ragdoll giving out a mischievous smile.

Pixie-bob elbows Tiger and speaks, "Hey Tomo-chan. Why is Aizawa so twitchy with you?"

Ragdoll turns to her with a spoon in her mouth.

"Oh. I desided to tease Aizawa. And... I may... have gone too far," says as she rubs the back of her head with her tongue sticking out.

The Pussycats drop their eating ustenils form the words.




Ragdoll gives a thinking pose before she speaks.

"I offered to enter the onsen with him. Offered to get in my costume to get him there then told him that he should get Midnight or Joke get him to relax if you get what I mean," Ragdoll said.

The table was quiet till it erupted in laughter.

"I didn't know you could do that Tomo," Tiger states.

"Wha! But he is such a bore. I just wanted to see him make a face other than I need to find kitty litter box. And it was so fun to see him blushing," Ragdoll giggles out.

"Honestly it was too easy," Ragdoll adds.

"Oh. Tomo this is going to be fun. Let's mess with Eraser, Pixie-bob suggest.

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