Old vs. New

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(Hahaha I forgot than Inko was a teacher in this what if. She went to the group with Nero. She wants to judge Kyrie.)


The three busses had arrived at their destination. Nero's group ended up in a false city area. The Tatsumis' group was in a forest. Tsurara's group was in a building where the two class had their first combat test.

"My. Is this location really a part of the school?" Kyrie asks.

Even Eri was surprised. She hadn't been to the false city before.

"Well, heroes need to trained in such environments. Didn't you or your husband train your daughter in such an environment with all the money you get from demon hunting?" Inko taunts Kyrie.

"No, we live frugal lives. My husband and I use our money to support the orphanage I run for children whose lives were ruined by demons. I try my best ensure they get the love and attention they need. Though he makes sure to separate enough so he can keep his equipment in shape. It's hard work but I can't let those kids suffer for something they had no control over. Luckily for me Trish and Nico offered to take care of the orphanage while i see my daughter here," Kyrie responds with a kind smile.

Nearly all the heroes looked away from the pure kindness that radiated from Kyrie.

"Though I want to go back soon. We might not be related by blood, there are still my children to raise," Kyrie said out loud.

Kyrie without meaning to hit Inko with a dagger to her heart. Inko could only look way from the woman.

'So she is someone that makes herself feel better by surrounding her self by those less fortunate than her self,' Inko thought.

"Wow. You are such a saint," Yokaze said sarcastically with a smile.

Before Yokaze could say anything else, she was sent flying into a wall.

Sophia blew then wiped her fist. She glared at the forest haired girl.

"What a waste. You aren't worth it," Sophia said as she walked away.

"Sophia there was no need to be so violent," Kyrie told her daughter.

"Sorry mommy," Sophia answered.

"Good. Now get ready for your fight with Nero," Kyrie said disciplining her daughter but not tell her to apologize to Yokaze.

"Okay. Not like this place is enough to really train in," Sophia said.

"Well its not like a safe environment or all this money is going to cut it in real life situation. It's no wonder the enemies of the school managed to hit them in their house. They were lucky that it seems like their opponents just wanted to send a message," Nero announced making sure the heroes heard.

"Why you punk. You better respect us you no good," All Might shouted before silenced by Nezu.

"Now. Now. Calm down All Might. He isn't wrong. Our opponents were trying to tell us how easy it is to reach and kill us. It was fortunate that the hunters arrived to protect the students," Nezu explained.

All Might could only grind his teeth.

"I suggest you begin to use the organ you call a brain or is it only an ornament?" Nero taunts.

All Might marches towards Nero.

Nero stands his ground. Nero looks up at massive man, his grin never wavering.

The heroes were worried that a fight was going to occur.

"Did I anger the naked ape?" Nero jokes.

"I will not be belittled by some punk," All Might shouts.

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