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"How about the seniors first, followed by your students, we will save the best for last," Sophia offers.

"Okay. Aizawa which of our groups should go first," Vlad asks the tired hero.

"Doesn't matter. Yours can go first for all I care. Wake me after the introductions," Aizawa says going into his trademark sleeping bag.

"I see something never change you hobo," Tony says.

"Shut it before I tell everyone your old name," Aizawa threatened.

"Do that and you ruin a heroes name. And I will go in a rampage," Tony threatens back.

Aizawa tries to intimate Tony but Tony just laughs at the attempt. Aizawa gives up and goes to sleep.

The class was shocked that someone could stand up to Aizawa-senei.

"Okay my students after the Big three introduce yourselves in order of roster," Vlad orders.

"Ladies first."

"Okay. Hi kohais. I am Nejire Hado. But you can call me Nejire or Hado or Senpai. I like many thing and I don't like when people are mean," she says with a pout. "Your turn Amajiki-kun."

The shy male looks at the class then turns around and say, "Nope I want to go home."

"It okay Tamaki-kun. Then I will go," the blonde says to his friend. "Okay I am Mirio Togata. And my shy friend is Tamaki Amajiki. Don't let how we look fool you were are considered the closest to being heroes," the blonde said with complete assurance. "Now can the Kohais introduce themselves."

The class begins to feel the blonde's power and jump right in.

"Yosetsu Awase and my quirk is..."

"No need," Yuzuki said.

"Yeah. We will learn it later and if we spar we want it to be a surprise," Kinari announces.

"But if you want we will tell you ours when it's our turn," Sophia says with a smirk.

"Don't be too shocked bit our powers," Yuzuki tells the group.

"Just tell us like or dislikes," Tony tells them.

"Okay then. I like mobile games and hate when people says that they aren't real games."

Tony begins to write notes.

"What are you doing?" Awase asks.

"Making notes might be useful in the future," Tony quickly explains. "Next."

"Sen Kaibara. I like camera and hate green peppers," a male says.

"Togaru Kamakiri. I like collecting bug and hate being looked down on," a green insectoid man states.

"Shihai Kuroiro. I like talking about taboo subjects. I don't really hate anything," says a man that looked as if you were looking into a void of darkness.

"Itsuka Kendo. I like practicing martial arts and I hate when people are disrespect to their opponents or people looking down on me for being a girl," a red haired female declared as she strikes a Kung fu pose.

"We found you a kindred spirt sis."

"I can't wait to see what she can do," Sophia said with a smirk.

"Same here," Kinari chimes in.

"Koji Koda. I like animals but I dislike bugs," a massive yet shy male informs the group using sign languages.

"Yui Kodai."

Tony rushes appears infront if the girl and whispers in her ear, "Oh. A quiet one. I can't wait to get that voice of yours to shout my name in ecstacy."

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