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River and Blanche stare as they see Shigaraki exit the building. River and Blanche shake their heads in disappointment.

River looks at Blache and says, "My lil pet, can you keep an eye on the leader's useless toy. We don't want him to show our hands too soon."

"Why not send Diana? She is supposed to be his support," Blanche questions.

"Look at her and tell me if she can blend into human society," River says not as a question but as a challenge to Blanche.

"I guess not."

"Do this and I promise to give you a proper reward," River says while caressing her face.

He then moves his hand to playing with her hair. 

"Fine just know i will drain you in more way than one," Blanche answers.

"Hey it was supposed to be your reward not mine," River counters.

Blanche goes to steal a kiss from River only to be met halfway. The world around them was non existant.

Toga's face was bright red but she dared not look away. Giran was impressed at the kid's skill with woman. Kurogiri went back to cleaning his glass, ignoring the public display of affection happening right infront of him. Dabi looks away in annoyance. 

They finally broke the kiss.

"That is just a sample my dear," River sofly sung in Blanche's ear.

"You can't tease a hungry beast with a delicious meal," Blanche whines.

"But i must. For now follow the child," River states.

"Fine. Just let me change and find a proper seal," Blanche chirps as she struts deeper into the bar. 

Dabi couldn't help but whistle at the sight of Blache's.... "exit".

"You better keep her on a tight leash or else I might teach her a few new tricks," Dabi jeers.

River gives Dabi a look, Dabi returns it with a cocky smirk.

River goes to sit on a stool in front of the wispy bartender.

"Kurogiri-san can you get me a club soda and an olive with a toothpick," River orders.

"Ri... right," Kurogiri says before quickly completing River's short order.

Kurogiri pours River his club soda and was about to put the olive in his drink, till River grabs his wrist.

"Kurogiri don't you dare put an olive in my drink. I detest olives. Put it in a small dish," River orders.

"Forgive me. I will remember that for next time," Kurogiri responds, wonderting why River would order an olive if he hates them.

"Thank you Kurogiri."   

Kurogiri gives a slight bow then waits for his next order. River takes a large drink from his club soda.

"Did you really go to a bar and order a club soda like a bitch," Dabi jeers forgetting how fast River took him down.

River turns around to look at the new comers to get a good look. 

He starts with Toga. She squrims at his sight. With a slight blush she look away giving a slight toothy smile before it turns frown. Not aimed at his judgment but at herself. 

With that River notices the slight discoloration on her teeth, a color associated to animals that feast on raw flesh over a long period of time. He even notice the smell around the girl. To a normal human she would smell like a normal 20-ish year old obsessed with fashion, but she couldn't fool his nose. He could smell the tinge of iron on her finger nails and lips. Her pomegranate scented purfume masks it but those with his sense of smell could see it. He could also smell slight sour smell off of her. One that one get when trys to maintain a proper hygine but lacks access to sufficent amounts of water. He even notices the wear and tear on her high school uniform. Finally he looks at her exposed arms and legs. To an average person, she would like a thin girl. Scranny or frail when comapared to Blanche who could be described as an amazon. But River knew better, while not for power, Toga had the body of a gymnist. She is built for speed and flexiblity. 

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