Angry Wolf

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Mingan is walking in an empty city. It had an eerie peace to it. She moves throughout this ghost town.

Suddenly, a red shadow carrying white light spots her. Before Mingan could speak with it, it ran. It is so unnatural that a shadow is carrying a glass ball releasing a dim light.

But it was the first being she had seen in her venture, so she ran towards its. She sniffed the air. She found its scent. And for some reason, that ball was giving off a disgusting scent to her. The scent is causing her rage to build.

She knew the smart thing to do is to run away from the scent. But instinct won out. She must snuff out the light, even if the red shadow gets in her way.

"GET BACK HERE!" she roared.

Her shout made the shadow flinch, but it quickly composed itself and ran even faster.

Not liking that reaction, Mingan snarls and sprints after it.

As if it can hear her, the shadow begins to make complicated maneuvers. It jumps over fences, knocks over trash cans or the sorts, or make sharp turns.

Mingan's rage was boiling over. Her demonic, bestial blood erupted. She went from an elegant lady to beast of the hunt. She howls as a sign of her commitment to kill her prey.

In her new form, Mingan quickly catches up to the shadow. She was about to bite the shadow, but the shadow jumps to the side of the building and runs up it. Once it felt its speed plateau, it kicks off the wall. It lands on the side of a parallel building and kicks off. The shadow repeat the process till it reaches the roof.

The shadow looks down and shivers at the sight of Mingan wall jump in fewer kicks. Not testing its luck, the shadow ran off.

It was about to jump to the next roof, but a sudden slash at its back caused it to trip and fall off the roof. Its landing caused spiderweb cracks to form. The impact cause the shadow to release the ball of light. Both entities appeared to be injured from the fall. The red shadow appears to be bleeding. The ball of light looks like it had a crack on it and blinking in a frantic manner.

The shadow rises and tries to limp its way to the ball. But stops when Blanche lands behind it, back to her human form. The shadow turns to see an irate Blanche glaring at the ball of light.

Ignoring its pain, the red shadow runs to block her path. It stood in defiance but, it was short-lived when Blanche shoved her right hand through the being chest. With a yank, she pulls out what she assumes is the being's heart. The being falls the moment she pulls her arm out. Mingan looks at the heart-like organ and crushes it.

Blanche tosses the organ away. She looks at her right hand, covered in the creature's blood. She licks the blood off her hand. It had a sweet taste. She felt energized from tasting the blood. She was snapped out of it when she heard a clanking sound.

Blanche stares at the ball of light. She slowly walked towards it. The ball of light begins to blink as if it in fear. Blanche gets on all four and slowly crawls towards the light. Sparkles of light releases from the cracks of the light's container.

Once she gets close, Blanche closes her eyes before chomping on the container of light.

Her mouth was filled with a copper taste. Blanche opens her eyes to see a nondescript girl gargling her last breath of life. Blanche has just ripped out the poor girl's throat. Blanche spits out the flesh from her mouth. The girl looks human. She smells human. Her blood tasted different from when she drank from Lucius.

Lucius's blood always gave her a rush, while the girl's blood had a great taste, but it lacked the kick Lucius had.


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