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Mei walks to the roof of 1-A Heights Aliance dorms. She spots Tony and Yuzuki still sleeping.

'Perfect!' she thought.

Mei tosses a small orb at the two. It slipt open to reveal speakers. Mei runs to hide behind the door and covers her ears.

She counts down, '3. 2. 1.'

The device begins to play an alarm.

Tony and Yuzuki jumped up. Yuzuki froze the ground while Tony pulled out his guns and fired at the source.

"Noooooo. My baby," Mei cried out.

"Mei what made you think that was a good idea," Tony told the girl.

"You owe me for breaking my baby," she playfully cries.

"So that's why you did it. And I was planning on giving you demonic material I had with me for years but I guess I'll keep it with me instead," Tony replied.

"Wait you don't mean?"

He nods.

"But you never release those."

"Only had the few and you didn't have the experience to make a working Devil Breaker with the limited amounts I had. You do now and you did help me get my mother's momento, so."

"Yes. I'm sorry I won't pull that prank on you two ever again. Now gimme, gimme," Mei pleaded.

Tony tosses her some shards of frosted glass like objects.

"Hoho. Chilly. I have the perfect idea for a baby," Mei cheered as she ran off.

"Don't forget to get ready by 2:00 pm," Tony called out.

"Remind me!" Mei shouted back.

"So what is going to happen as 2?" Yuzuki questioned.

"Remember I'm going to see my grandparents, you know Torino-jiichan and Chiyo-baachan. And take a beating," Tony told her, "want to come and meet Baachan?"

"She is this school's nurse right?"


"Why would she beat you?"

"For not telling her I'm alive till today," Tony replied.

Yuzuki just shook her head.

"You deserve it. And yes I would love to see you grandparents. But for my last question who else is coming?"

"Sophia, and I'm planning to invite  Momo and Nemuri-neesan and maybe Aizawa and Hizashi."

"Understood. See you at 2 then," Yuzuki said as she left.

Tony sits for a bit. Then he feels bored. He peeks over the edge.

"Five stories. Just enough space. Okay lets do this," Tony says out loud.

He sits on the edge. A few of the students spot him about to jump.

"Ahhhhhhh," Ochako screams.

"Is really going to jump," Kaminari questions.

"Dibs on Momo," Mineta says.

Tsuyu slaps him with her tongue.

"What she is going to need a shoulder to cry on or a di......" Mineta couldn't completed as he was beaten by the current female heroes present.

Sophia had just returned from her morning jog. She was drinking a sports drink. And saw the crowd she walked over to see what was happening.

"So what's happening here," Sophia asks.

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