Hunter Test

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Momo, Jon, and Felicia make their way from the countryside and into London. Jon led the way through the city while Felicia pointed towards karaoke bars, cat cafe's (which Momo was shocked to hear that they exist in London as well), candy shops, and other fun places according to her. 

Wanting to get some information, Momo spoke up.

"So master.... You were part of Darkstalkers......"

"Correct girl."

"Who are they and are there any other powerful groups here in the UK?" Momo questions. 

Jon rubs his chin. 

"We are a group of demons that mostly side with humans, or at the least we have no desire to let demons take over the human world. Most have my view about humans. I find them pathetic and without honor or creed. They are cowards that attack those weaker than themselves or what they find different. I don't care if humanity destroy itself... though I would find it a pity that the youth couldn't grow to be better than their ancestor," Jon tells her.

Momo knew that Jon disliked human but to have it plainly, was a little disheartening. But she also found it cute that he had a soft spot that kids. 

"Though that might be because I was raised human till my demonic blood decided to wake all of a sudden," Jon revealed. 

Momo froze. 

"You aren't a pure blood werewolf?" Momo questions. 

"It seems I never truly explained myself. I am a hybrid. Human mother and a werewolf father, never met the bastard and mother died when I was young. I do know that the beast is from a prominent demon family from Makai. And Makai is just a fragment of the Demon World which is also known as Makai, Hell, etc."

"What's the difference?" Momo couldn't help but ask. 

"The Demon World is the source, the origins of all demonic elements. It is a land of chaos and destruction. What you believe are the rules of this reality means nothing in that realm. The 'rules' can change at any given moment.

Makai is just a fragment of that chaos. I has its own laws and constants in that land. The Demon world has no true ruler. Makai currently has one and she has no desire to rule the whole of the Demon World. Makai has the easiest access to the human world but it only works for the demons of Makai. Most of our demons are the creatures you human have recorded as myth throughout history. 

And that is just a brief summary."

Momo turns towards Felicia.

"What is your view on humanity?" Momo asks the cat girl.

"Humans are funny. We should all be friends. But meanies could use a good scratch," Felicia answers while giving a slow scratch in the air. 

Momo giggles at that childish response. 

"You never answered my question if there are other agencies in the UK," Momo reminds the werewolf. 

Jon rubs his chin. 

"There are two other agencies The Dark Order and Wing Bind. 

The Dark Order is an agency that once fought a specific class of demons that tries to corrupt humans. They call themselves exorcist, a sub class of hunters. Before you ask girl, exorsist are those that can purify demonic elements from human. And are one of the few agencies that live up to that name. They have weapons that are almost the antithesis of Devil Arms just not as strong, they cleanse demonic elements from humans. But they are secretive of their weapons. They mostly consist of human that have broken their limitation or can be considered super humans, and that was before quirks were involved. Though I have heard, they have experimented with demon DNA to make some of their members stronger.

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