Dark Alliance

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River and Blanche ready themselves for the incoming battle.

"Out of energy yet never losing the will to live," a man in a suit attached to machinery says out loud.

"Blanche, my dear," River says.

"Yes, my late night snack," Blanche responds.

"I feel like we are being heavily underestimated," River states.

"Yeah, I feel the same. Does this broken mortal really think that he is a match for us? " Blanche chuckles out.

"Like you two aren't that far from the grave," the man says, "But I guess you must be wondering who I am. You can call me All For One. Can you give me the honor of knowing your?"

River and Blanche sheath their blades.

"Finally, someone with manners," River says.

"Ladies first," River says as he bows to Blanche.

"Why, thank you. I am the Silver Alpha: Blanche Mingan."

"And I was once an ex B-rank Hunter, but now I'm a Corrupted. You can call me Gorr River. But just call me River," River states.

"What do you mean that you are an ex hunter?" AFO asks.

"Oh, the Network revoked my license and designated me as a target. Once they learned of the ritual, I was performing to get demonic powers. Let's just say the bodies they found are enough to fill a high school worth of students," River said with a smile.

"Now that introductions are done. Care to explain why you summoned us here," River demanded.

Then, Shigaraki walks out of a portal.

"That's what I would like to know too, master. Why did you make me and Kurogiri bring him here, master? Master we should just kill them. I especially want to kill the mutt," Shigaraki growls as he stares at Blanche.

Then, a purple energy blade peirces through Shigaraki's right thigh.

"Gahh!" Shigaraki cries in pain.

River coughs up blood.

"Ha.. Ah, never refer to her as a mutt. Her blood is purer than yours, you anthropomorphic prune. Next time I will cave in that filth filled orifice you call a mouth," River promises even as he finds it hard to stand.

"Kurogiri send that bastard into a volcano or something," Shigaraki ordered.

"Don't," the demonic voice announced from the intercom.

"Why?" Shigaraki questions as he scratches his neck till it begins to bleed.

"I have to ask why as well, master. Why shouldn't we kill him?" All For One asks.

"Simple, my slave. That man holds the blade I gifted to Stain. So he must be more powerful than Stain, even in his weaken state. He would make a great asset. Isn't that right, Gilver? " the voice calls out.

"Are you deaf? I clearly said that my name is Gorr River. G. O. R. R. SPACE R. I. V. E. R. I am not this Gilver you speak of," River declares.

"It seems this puppet has gained sentience. What joy," the voice says with glee.

"I am not your failed Vergil clone. I've clearly told you my back story. Now show yourself, Mundus. I've tired of your bull shit," River shouts.

Blanche was shocked to hear him say that name. One of the old emperors of hell was in charge of this.

Then, a demented laugh echoed throughout the room.

River scratches his head, "Is Mundus laughing?"

"I think so," Blanche replies.

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