The Investigation

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Seishirou, Yokaze, Katsuki, and Mikua exit the forest. The sky was begining to darker. They were about to walk into town till Yokaze stopped them.

"Guys it think it better if we call our parents than to walk in the city the way we look," she informed the group.

"Why?" a tired Seishirou asked.


Once those words come out her mouth she collapsed. She had over stressed her quirk and the pain on her face was not helping. She was on a mission to go home but knew that they would get looks, and she didn't want that.

Having released her frustration her will to go home was overpowered by lack of stamina.

Mikua walked over to her friend and assured the rest that she was just tired.

Katsuki then motioned towards his sister. He grabbed her face, "How dare that loser do that to you? He should have been happy being your pet. But he had the gull to injure your face like that. If he is still alive I will kill him."

She slaps his hand away.

"Leave me alone. And you will do no such thing. This just proves that he loves me❤," she giggled out.

Katsuki and Seishirou looked at her in shock and worried for her sanity.

"Wh....what. What did you just say?" A confused Katsuki stuttered out.

"He plucked your eye out and you are happy about that," Seishirou said in disgust.

"I marked his face with a scratch and now he marked me by penetrating my very being. He was inside of me and took something from me. It was like he was fingerings my brain. He forced his way inside of me. He was rough. Ummmm. Ahhh," she shouts in euphoria.

She held herself tight. She shook a little. She bent her back. She singular eye rolled back for a little. Katsuki looked at her in disgust. While Seishirou was imagining putting her in that state. But then she turned at Seishirou. Her eye held nothing but disgust and anger at him.

"And you let him go. Specifically off a cliff. Now, I will never know if he wants to go farther and take my treasure. You better hope he is still alive. And Katsuki if we find him you are not to hurt him. If you do I will remove that thing between your legs with the oldest, rust cover pair of pliers and shove it down your throat. And pray that you choke on it or else I will get a continue to torture you till you pass away from blood loss," she said with a sinister smile.

Katsuki wanted to yell at his sister but stopped went he saw the look in her eye. It was too similar to their mother. The one that meant business.

So he just let out, "Tsk. Whatever."

"Good. Now I'm going to take a nap. So one of you two come up with a story and call our parents," she demanded.

She then collapsed next to Yokaze. Headbutting her in the stomach.

The two boys could only shake their heads.

An hour and a half later, the police All Might, V.seper and the Bakugous appeared. They were shocked to look at the condition of their kids. Three of the kids are being placed into stretchers.

Mitsuki ran towards her daughter. She was crying her eyes out at the sight that her daughter. He daughter was connected to IVs, had an oxygen mask, but what got to her the most was the amount of dry blood around her left eye. 

She was about to answer what happened till one of the EMTs shout, "Damn it. Some one get me saline solution, some gause, tape. We need to cover left optical orbit before it dries out due to the absence of her eye."

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