Fallen Angel

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River travels cross the camp in a slow pace. He can feel his demonic energy lowering from its constant use. He had stopped a couple times to spit out some blood.

In his dazed state he walking to a clearing to see Mandalay, Pixie-bob, Tiger, Spinner, Magna, and Dabi fighting. He could even spot a few of the students hiding behind trees. But the fighting stopped when they notice him.

There was an eerie silence for all parties. River wanting to get his mission over with, so he could rest. The Wild Wild Pussycats were horrified to see the three students captured by the villain. The students weren't doing any better. Magne was horrified to see River there. Spinner was shocked at how fast River had gotten the targets. Dabi had a smile on his face.

"So you got the morons," Dabi jokes, "Looks like you didn't have much of a problem."

River shrugs.

"Not hard to do when they think you are one of them," River states.

"Like we would every confuse you for one of us," Pixie-bob bites back in anger.

But that anger fades after she blinks and sees Ragdoll infront of her.

As to mess with them further the fake Ragdoll poses and shouts out the team introduction.

"Wild Wild Pussycats," the fake Ragdoll says with her signature pose.

Everyone was shocked at how spot on the performance was.

The doppelganger begin to laugh demented laugh. The fake's form distorting to be an amalgamation of Ragdoll and River.

"It seem that you don't know your team mate as much as you believe you did," the nightmare say with an unnaturally cheery voice.

The Pussycats began to glare at the creature.

"Where is she?" Mandalay demands.

"Elsewhere with the brat. You did sent the brat to me," the creature mocked.

That pushed Mandalay's button, she sprinted towards River. She pulled her right arm back to claw at his throat. River does nothing to dodge it.

Blood and tissue fly from his throat. He gives a demented smile before collapsing.

Mandalay escapes her rage and spots her glove covered in blood. She became horrified at the sight. She turns to look at her team mates only to have them look at her in horror.

Mandalay then turn to look at the villian only to find them holding the students.

"Halt. Don't think you can't take them with you," Mandalay orders.

Dabi huffs Sei over his shoulder and turns to look at the hero. He raises an eyebrow.

"You think you can stop us. There are three of you and four of us," Dabi states.

Pixie-bob walks foward and shouts, "Isn't that wrong. Mandy just..... killed one of you."

"She tried," a familiar voice calls out.

The heroes turn to the down villain only to see him raise while holding his neck.

"Are all the Pussycats killers? First the cheery one stabs me in the heart and now the leader rips out my throat for simply mentioning the brat," River says in a condensing tone before spitting out a glob of blood.

He tugs on the capture scarf and it losses off of the captured students and return to River.

"You guys return with the waste of space while I keep these killers disguised as heroes busy," River orders.

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