Out With the Old, In With the New

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Izuku walked to school alone wanting to avoid the Yagis. He got to his seat and waited for class.

Once class started, he noticed that no one was getting near him. He would later find out that Seishirou and Katsuki spread the knowledge that he was quirkless. Everyone laughed at them for losing to a quirkless kid. But then they told them that being near a quirkless weakens quirks. There is only two ways to avoid your quirk form weakening. First, avoid them like the plague. Or, beat them up. And doing the second one it will make your quirk stronger.

He would constantly get into fights with the Yagi and Bakugou twins and a few other brave (foolish) souls. He would be able to fend them off at first but as Inko and Toshinori train the four, what ever advantage Izuku had was quickly removed.

Five years of this hell. At some point the teachers got in on Izuku's torment. They would either encourage the students to harm Izuku or lower his grades.

At one point, Izuku just started to ditch his classes. The teachers neither cared nor noticed. It was the only peace he could get. He would stroll around the Shizuoka Prefecture. He would constantly go around watching heroes and villains fight.

He record the powers, techniques, and over efficiency of the fights on both parties. His notes even rated the over abilities of the hero and villian. He even made strategies on how to fight specific quirk types. He even left space for him self to know how he should train to beat them. He even had a quick sketch of the fighters.

In one of his adventures izuku was walking around in ragged clothes. He quickly discovered if he wore his worst clothes then civilians and heroes would avoid him. They would think he is a street rat. Some poor unfortunate soul but they had better thing to do than help a dirty brat. He walked, and found an orphanage.

"Hmmmmm. Hatsume Orphanage," he read out loud. "Would it be easier if I walked in and register myself as a run away."

He just shook his head, "Better not. Like the saying goes 'better the devil you know.'"

He was about to walk away till he heard an explosion. Being the curious kid he was he ran straight to the danger. Mostly hoping to see a hero and villian fight.

Once he got to the origin of the explosion. He saw a strange sight. What he saw was a yard filled with various clothes, some burnt, some wet, scorched grass, bubbles everywhere, but the weirdest thing was a washing machine with rubber hose arms attached to it with a hole that could only be made from an explosion.

Izuku looked around to see who was dumb enough to make such a device but found no one.

That was till he heard a yell.


Izuku looks up to see a pink haired girl falling form the sky. Having no better ideas he prepares himself to catch the girl.

She lands in his arms hime-style.

"Well, this is my kind of rain. A pretty girl lands in my arms. I thought the sky looked a little funny today," Izuku told the girl.

"It's astronomically impossible for it to rain girls. And even if that is true where is the pretty girl," she said.

Izuku was about to fall and drop the girl but quickly stopped himself.

"You can't be serious right?" He questions.

She just tilted her head.

"I'm talking about you."

"Really!?" she says with a slight blush.

"I see no one else. And you are the only girl in my arms, beautiful," he states as if it was a fact the whole world knew. "Can I have a name? Or should I call you, Pinky?"

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