The Fighting Continues

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Lucius is sitting down with Momo and Mei sitting by his side while Yuzuki was sitting on his lap.

"And there one bites the dust. Poor girl never had a chance," Yuzuki states in a volume that everyone can hear.

Seishirou was grinding his teeth.

"No surprise there. The real shock was the teddy bear undies and blacklace bra she was wearing. It's like she wanted to look innocent and bold at the same time but the clash was just a joke," Mei laughed.

"No, it was sad. Oh well. Now she and her pet can't go and court Lucius and now have to so the run of shame in one week's time," Momo declares.

Mineta walks up to the girls with a lust filled eyes and drool escaping his mouth. The sight disgusted many of the women present.

A click sound could be heard. Mineta begins to shake as he spots Lucius pointing a gun at him.

"What did I say about approaching my girls like that Mineta?" Lucius questions

"To not to. Or else I will you would liberate me from what makes me a man," Mineta manages to say.

"And we all believe that it isn't much. Now wipe yourself and get lost," Lucius orders.

Mineta begin to crawl away till he hears Lucius speak.

"Wait you came here for a reason right? What was it?"

"I wanted to know what the run of shame was?" Mineta responded.

"Oh that. Mikua and Yokaze have to run around the perimeter of UA 10 times. Well only Yokaze seeing as how Mikua has been expelled," Lucius answers.

"Huh? That doesn't sound like a run of shame," Mineta states.

"That's because I left a crucial detail out," Lucius says.

Mineta looks even more confused.

"Oh my miniscule class mate. The girls are required to do the run naked," Lucius clarifies.

Mineta began to drool one more but ended when Lucius punted him off the grounds.

Iida marched towards Lucius.

"How dare you humiliate one of your classmates like? No matter, not like Nezu would allow that," Iida said confidently.

"Sorry but they signed a contract and I handed it directly to Principal Nezu. He allowed it but the punishment is meant to take place one week from today and at night," Lucius informs the tin man.

Mina and Hagekure began to laugh.

"You are so cruel," Mina said.


"Because only you would think of that," Hagekure chuckles out.

"Sorry but no. Just the thought of seeing her bare form disgust me. No, my girls thought of this punishment themseves," Lucius said proudly.

The Yuzuki and Momo began to blush while Mei was giving a cute yet evil laugh.

'Never get on those four bad side,' many present thought.

Then the announcement for the fifth round.


"You and Midnight have spent too much time together," Aizawa states.

"What all I said that they were hard.... Okay now I hear it. You know, you do the announcement, Sho," Present Mic said.

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