Wolf vs. Broken Demon

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Shinsui leads the women to the resting area for special demons. 

"Shojo I think we can move faster if you help the young mistress carry the Sparda spawn," Shunsui suggest. 

Melissa ignores him. She was still processing the information given to her. She was given what she believes is a quirk. And how the one she loved had turned into a metaphorical demon. A monster that kills mutant quirk holders. The broken creature being dragged by the insane ice quirked woman is no longer the Izuku she knew. 

"Forget the mortal. She is too shortsighted to see how the world really works. She will claim to be a scientist, but when data present that clashes with her view, she brushes it aside. Claiming she is an expert even when reality is currently crushing her. Death is the only way to cure stupidity. First the religious nut and now this pathetic atheist," Yuzuki states. 

Melissa begins to fume. 

"Look here you delusional bitch. Just because you and the killer on your back claim to be some paranormal creatures doesn't mean that those that live in reality have to support your broken mind. Why do you think most religions died when quirks began to appear?" Melissa fires back. 

Nanao just shakes her head, while Shinsui and Yuzuki begin to laugh. 

"Do you really think that religion mean anything to demon? Sorry girl, that means nothing. Your fabircations of worship are of no importance to us. I mean heaven. How depesrate were your ancestors to have meaning in their lives? If we act in some arbitrary definition of good or right, we can go to paradise. Pathetic. Having to create a reason to good. The only religions that have actual idols to worship are those that worship demons. Hahahaha. Hell, Lucius's grandfather, Sparda, is one example. A demon that betrayed his kind to protect creatures that tortured his grandson for not having powers like them," Yuzuki retorts. 

Yuzuki was feeling just as done with humanity as Lucius. 

Melissa froze at the coldness of Yuzuki's tone towards her. She was about to speak but was cut off by Yuzuki.

"Devils, yokai, ayakashi, and other such names that you humans gave us to say that we are creatures of darkness and evil. Sorry, child of man, but we are not evil. We are creatures that follow our instincts and do not make excuses for our actions. We want something, we will use any means to obtain it. Instinct isn't evil. You will not call a carnivore evil for killing a herbivore. What is evil are you humans," Yuzuki expresses. 

"How are we evil? We have heroes. We have defenders of justice and good," Melissa refutes. 

"Simple girl. Reason is why you humans are evil."


"Reasons. Justification. Excuses. What ever you want to call it. You humans create reasons for your actions. There has to some justification for why you took an action. Excuses for your inaction. Human value their sense of rationalizing your actions. Demons act. Humans make reasons to act. 

Oh, you bring up your so-called heroes. That is just a pretty word that has lost its original meaning. They are nothing more than spandex clad clownish cops with superpowers, merchandise, and good PR. You do not take a course to be called a hero. Hero is a title you are given after doing a great act. How many of those so-called heroes can claim to be a true hero?" Yuzuki questions with a questioning glare.

Melissa shivers at the glare. She tries to think of a hero and then gives the obvious answer. 

 "All Might," Melissa says with the little amount of courage she managed to summon. 

Yuzuki snorts.

"Yeah, just as heroic as Jason of the Argonauts," Yuzuki rebutals. 

"What does that mean?" Melissa asks. 

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