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I didn't make the art, the credit goes to Iceiky. Found this specificly because I wanted a sadish Mei. But if you find the original she is blushing and reacting to another's action.


Chiyo was having a peaceful day. She only had to heal a few broken fingers today. She was drinking a cup of tea with some rice crackers.

Suddenly, Mirio and Tamaki burst into Recovery Girl's office. Recovery Girl jumps in freight.

She was about to hit the two boys with her cane but Mirio and Tamaki placed a wrapped body on one of her beds.

"Help Recovery Girl sensei Lucius got hurt," Mirio cried out.

Hearing this she rushes to check the patient.

She uncovers him. She was horrified by the sight. He was covered head to toe with acid burns. Some of his bones were visible. Only a few stands of his hair remained. Even his Devil Bringer was heavily damaged.

They have seen him be impaled, caught in an explosion, doused in lava, and other dangerous substances. And every time he appeared to be unharmed but now they could be in the right to claim he is a corpse,

Her mind raced. Chiyo couldn't help but think he was dead. That the boys were too late to save her grandson. She feared that this was going the last look she was going to have of the boy.

She was about to look away till she saw his chest rise and fall. She kicks out Mirio and Tamaki.

She rushed to her desk to get her equipment. She began to check his vitals. She was amazed to record semi stable reading. She then obseves some of his wounds to notice it was healing. Slowly that it would require magnification to notice. She removed any decayed flesh she could find.

She operated on him for hours. Once done with that, she completely wrapped the young man in bandages. She wasn't quite sure if he could get an infection but better safe than sorry.

Chiyo took so long that Midnight, Momo, and Nejire had arrive and were forced to wait outside. For them the wait was killing them. They desperately needed to know Lucius is going to live.

When they were allowed, Momo, Midnight, and Nejire couldn't help but cry at the sight of the injured demon. The women run to his side. Momo held his injured Devil Bringer while Nemuri held his scarred human.

Nejire was by the foot of the bed. She could not believe what she was seeing.

"How? Isn't he like indestructible?" Nejire cries out.

"He is just hard to kill not immortal," a voice calls out.

The group turn to see that it was Trish followed by Kinari, Nico, and Yokaze in a leash.

Yokaze was moving sporadically for Kinari to keep up so was forces to put a leash on Yokaze's body.

"Now let me see my nephew," Trish demands.

(From now on I'll will be referring to Nico I mean her in Yokaze's body and vice-versa. It too confusing or wordy to do it differently)

"Pheeeeewwwww. Damn he is one hard bastard to kill," Kinari exclaimed.

Nico walks towards Lucius and rubs his head.

"Nini. Who did this to nini?" Yokaze demanded to know.

"Don't play the fool. He's like this because of you, you disgusting mortal soul," Trish says with venom.

"How is this my fault? If you haven't notice I'm in the body of an infant. Who has no powers," Yokaze cries out.

"You clearly are an idiot. I wasn't talking about the present. I was talking about a particular action you did in the past that physical, mentally, and emotionally scarred him," Trish replies.

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