The Downfall of Demons

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Melissa wipes her face of the sweat she had, only to cover half of it with Dan's blood. Her beauty hidden with the dark crimson liquid. She was a picture of beauty and wrath. She could only be described as one ethereal being, Hel. Norse Goddess that rules over the dead. And she is going to personally escort her newest charge to her domain.  

Melissa ran at the door holding the scythe and cutting any obstacles in her path.

She kicks open the door that leads to the roof.

"Wolfram!" Melissa shouts.

Wolfram turns around and sees an angry blond. He chuckles at the sight.

"Really now. I just killed the quirkless brat that knows how to fight. What make you, a quirkless princess, will be any better than him," Wolfram jeers. 

Melissa hisses. 

"I either kill you and free my papa or I die and see Dan again. Its a win/win if you ask me," Melissa shouts.

"Well let me make it easy for you," Wolfram says, pointing his gun at Melissa.

Melissa move her right arm up. Her full gauntlet deflecting the bullet. Though her shoulder felt the push back. 

Wolfram empties his hand gun trying to kill the blond girl. Melissa flinched at every shot fired, which was the only reason why none of the bullets hit her, only grazing her. Once she hear the gun make clicking noise she rushed at Wolfram. 

Wolfram had a smirk on  his face.

"First the father joins villainy to save his friend and now his daughter becomes a vigilante because her worthless boyfriend died. You two are such bleeding hearts, that you let evil replace what you lose. I would laugh if it weren't so pathetic," Wolfram says as he dodges her swings. 

Melissa shows no grace or control as she swing the massive weapon. Wolfram didn't have to put any effort to dodge her strikes. A blind monkey could have done a better job than her. All Melissa was doing was making rubble. Wolfram had enough of this sad dance. 

He used his quirk to lift some of the metal to trip Melissa. Melissa fell sprainning her ankle and dropping the scythe. Wolfram grins at the sycthe. He kicks it away.

"Wow. Now that was a sad. Your boyfriend put up more of a fight," Wolfram say with mirth.

"Fuck you," Melissa snarls. 

Wolfram kicks Melissa's side. Melissa lets out a pained yell as she is thrown a few feet away. She turns to her side and begins to cough. Spit and some blood came out as she coughs. Her eyes burned from the pain but she refuses to cry.

Wolfram reloads his gun. He walks up to Melissa. Melissa turns to look at the bastard. 

"You know I am in a good mood maybe I should reunite you with your boyfriend," Wolfram says as he put the barrel on her forehead. 

Melissa glare at Wolfram. Wolfram just smirks. Melissa closes her eyes.

'I'm sorry papa,' Melissa thinks as she accepts her finality.

Wolfram holsters his gun.

"Nevermind. I think I will let you live. Let this day mark the moment in your life where a single man ruined your life," Wolfram states.

He used his quirk to trap Melissa in place to see him walk away with her father.

Melissa could only glare at Wolfram's retreating form. It would have been more intimidating if not for the tears running down her eyes.

"Well it been fun. But I have to go away with my prizes," Wolfram says as he enters the helicopter.

He dumps David onto the floor of the helicopter. He sits down ready to get away from I-Island.

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