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Okay this is a lemon  chapter. Read it if you want. Though it isn't  a random lemon scene. This will effect future events. 


Grozdan was infront of a dorm room. He knocks on the door.

He could he slight motion in the room but it suddenly stops.

"Mel. Open it up its me, Dan. I just want to check up on you," he says softly.

Silence filled the hallway.

"I brought you that horribly named parfait that you like," Dan shouts.

In his right hand he is holding a pactice cooler from some All Might branded ice scream franchise. The container is holding the All Might: All American Dream Parfait, Golden Era edition. It was a Parfait  made with a container lined with carmel syrup filled alternating layers of vanilla ice cream, blue berry yogurt, strawbery syrup, topped with mango custard with two bananas sticking out like All Might's two hair tuffs. Its a popular item with All Might fan girls. 

 He was about to leave till the door open up. He smiles before walking in.

He looks around to find Melissa. He spots an open closet with a beautiful dress. The upper portion of the dress was as blue as her eyes, the skirt portion a pure white both sections of color were seperated by a dark green sash odarned with a white rose.

He views a table where a red gauntlet is on a stand. Wire, souldering tools, and other items littered around it.

'Must be her latest project. It must have a compressed states. She loves adding that feature to the gear she makes. Reminds me to thank her for working on my scythe,' he thought to himself.

He notice a picture from of her with her father when both were much younger. He sees a picture of a woman with blond hair with a mature figure. It didn't take a genius to know who the woman was. Next to the photo of the woman was a picture of four kids. Two blonds and two greenets. It was obvious that one of the blonds was Melissa, there was no way to miss that bight smile and her raspberry pink glasses. She was holding the hand of boy with messy green hair and a cocky smile. Melissa looked happy, her finger's interlaced with the green haired boy. There was no denying the closeness the two had.

A green haired girl was pulling on the free sleeve of the boy. As if trying to prevent him from leaving. In her arm that she wasn't using to pull the boy she held a green rabbit.

The same can be said to be happening with Melissa. A blond boy was holding her wrist trying to get her attention but from the looks of it the middle kids were going to have it go their way and not bend to the will of the their respective ancors.

Dan looks away from the photo. He finally see Melissa.

She was rolled around in her sheets. Trying her best to make herself look small.

He walks toward her right and squats dawn. He moves his right hand and rubs what he assumes was her back. 

"Hello beautiful," Dan tells her.

"I don't feel beautiful. I look like a mess," Melissa retorts weakly.

"Melissa you can be completely covered in scars, covered in sewage but you will still look beautiful in my eyes. I don't love you for your looks, though I can't deny that wasn't a plus. No, I fell in love with the kindness you eyes show to everyone. The fire they have when you build something. The gentleness your voice carries. Your soul that cares for you family and yearns for the happiness of those around you," Dan said. 

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