Long Time No See

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Momo and Jiro walks over to the remaining Demon Hunters who were next to Midnight, Present Mic and a sleeping Eraserhead.

"Are you four going with them?" She asks them.

"Naw. I don't know the lady. And I don't want to butt in their reunion," Sophia said.

"It would be improper of us to impose. Would you like it if your friend came with you to see your aging grandmother whom you haven't seen in years?" Yuzuki questions the girl.

"I guess not," Momo replies. "What about you Kinari?"

"I don't care or know the location they are going. No point to go just to get lost," he answers. "Plus it Nico's nap time. And we don't want to near a cranky Nico."

He then walks over to Midnight and retrieves sleeping Nico.

"Interesting. Nico really seems to like you. Must be a sign that you would be a great mother one day or you are a bit more devilish than we think."

"Oh little boy. You don't know the half of it. You can try to test how sinful I can be but I doubt you can handle it," Midnight says with a seductive tone.

Kinari's face just turns red as he stiffly walks away.

"And Nemuri strikes again. There is only one male that has best her," Mic comments.

Which earned him a glare from Midnight.

"I guess Tony learned his manner of talking from you," Sophia states.

"I helped," Mic interrupted.

"No he always talked like that but I did help smooth out some of his vocabulary. While he uses innuendoes he rarely uses vulgar language right," Midnight answers.

"I believe you are correct," Momo replies. "While he uses very descriptive words that make his word hurt more than others, especially when they insult him. Even then he uses vulgar language sparingly."

"Okay you can blame Sho and me about that," Mic said, "he constantly heard me and him fight from time to time. Mostly Sho insulting me. We got a talking to from his step mother."

"I mean did he ever tell you what he told some lady when he was four?" Sophia asks.

Midnight looked a little glum. He knew that Izuku had a miserable childhood but for him to have already learn how to insult people when he was that young just stung her. She made up her mind to let Izuku have a wonderful time as long as he was at UA.

"No he never told me. Do you Yuzuki?" Momo asks the yokai.

"I don't believe so," Yuzuki says then looks at Midnight.

"Sorry he never really told me about his problems around that time," Midnight replies.

"Wait! Midnight-sensei. Present Mic-sensei you knew him when he was younger?" Jiro exclaims.

"Yeah. I knew him by different name. It wasn't till he disappeared that I learned about the monsters that he lived with. He apparently didn't have an easy life with them. But he never told me, Aizawa, or Mic about it. The only one that knew anything would be his adoptive grandparents," Midnight says wiping a tear from her face.

Mic goes and gives he a comforting hug.

"It couldn't be that rough could it. I mean he has all that power I doubt anyone would dare to try anything," Kinari said. "Don't tell him I said that."

"While it is true he has all that power now. But he didn't always had that power. Kinari as a quirkless human you must know how society views you right?" Sophia questions.

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