And the Rank is S

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"So he lost. Nico are you sure there was no one better. Oh and I drop three cards," Yuzuki told the baby.

Nico just shrugs her shoulders and says, "Baa!" As she drops two cards and throws a juice box on top of Tony.

"Shouldn't you be more worried about your team mate," Midnight asks as places a juice box on Tony's stomach, "and I call your raise."

"He isn't hurt now is he. Plus that's what he gets for underestimating his opponents. And I call, full house."

"Sorry young lady but I win," Midnight says as she reveals her hand showing a four a kind.

"Baaaa," Nico shouts showing a royal straight flush.

"No way. Did we seriously lose to a baby," Yuzuki and Midnight cried.

Nico crawled over to claim her prize. And began to drink her juice box.

"You know what let's see who Sophia will fight," Yuzuki says trying to hide her embarrassment.

"So how strong is she compared to Iz...." Midnight was saying till she was interrupted shushed by Yuzuki.

"Sorry but he doesn't like that name. Either way he is going by Tony for now. He says that they are evenly matched. While Tony is more versatile, Sophia is a force of nature."

Mirio walked up and said, "I will fight Tony. Tamaki can you fight Sophia."

"Okay. But I don't think I will win," Tamaki awkwardly stuttered out.

"Sure whatever it's your funeral," Sophia stated.

"What!" Tamaki yelped out.

"Oh not for you, well actually your group will lose but my comment was more for your friend. If it isn't a Demon, Tony fights to humiliate his opponents," she warned.

"He can't be that bad, can he?" Mirio asked.

"Did you notice that we are missing four other classmates?" Mineta shouts out.


"Well Tony and Mei, over there, put them in a hospital last week. It was not a pretty sight," Jiro answers. "And he made it look easy. And they were some of the strongest in the class."

Mirio was now a little worried.

Sophia walked up to the center of the stage with Tamaki, Tokoyami, and Kamakiri stepped forward.

"Okay the rules will be different. Miss Bluegrave and Mister Redgrave has allowed for the the heroes to use lethal force when fighting them. In all forms except for decapitation. While they are not allowed to lethal force or do permanent damage," Nezu informs the students.

"Sir. Isn't that going to far. We are heroes not killers," Tokoyami exclaims.

"Ha. Not like your attacks can really hurt me. Think of this as your chance to see what you can really do with your quirks. While this will make me use restraint. Good practice for me," she states.

"So we can really attack with no mercy," Kamakiri asks.

"Just not the face pretty boy," she teases.

To which Kamakiri blushes.

"Oh my God, it runs in the family," Mina shouts.

"You know it," Sophia says blowing Mina a kiss.

Mina starts to blush.

"Is no one safe from this family," cries out Kaminari.

"Enough. Get this started already. I still need to grade their performances," Aizawa states.

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