Returning to Japan

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Lucius and the girls exit the plane and enter the airport to see Lèmèi, Zìyóu, and Mary being held by three women.

The oldest of the women is holding Mary and Rudy. One sucking on a lollipop is holding Zìyóu. And the final one has a witch's hat and is holding Lèmèi.

Had the Unholy Locks not been designed for him, he would be leaking large amounts of demonic energy but he was still emitting large amounts of killer intent.

Himiko and Latte weren't doing any better. Himiko's Holy Lock was cracking from the energy leaking from her.

But the one most angry was Latte.

"Yumiko-nee, Yukina-nee, and Youen-nee! Release the kids or else I will make you," Latte threatens.

Her sisters flinch at her words.

Yumiko glares at Lucius.

"You bastard what have you done to my baby sister?!" Yumiko shouts.

"Don't you dare blame me. You are the one using children as hostages. And Latte and Mary have bonded," Lucius explains.

Her glare intensifies. Lucius rolls his eyes.

"Latte. Your rebellious phase has gone on long enough. Return home, right now. And I promise dad and our mothers won't punish you," Yukina promises with a calm voice. 

"Bullshit," Himiko spat out.

Yukina gives Himiko a mean glare.

"This is a family issue, I would appreciate it if you stay out of this," Yukina orders.

Himiko gives a mocking smile.

"Seeing as Lala-chan gave me her blood and the fact we are fucking the same man,  I think it is my problem," Himiko responds.

The three sisters gasp before giving Lucius a death glare.

Lucius shrugs.

"Well, is it hard to believe that a husband and his wives entertain each other at night," Lucius states.

The sisters release killer intent from him confirming the girl's words but one noticed the words he used. 

These sisters began to look at the three's hands and noticed the three rings.

"You married this bastard!" Youen yells.

Her sisters were shocked at the words. Once the words fully registered they noticed the devils showing off their rings.

"To be exact these are engagement rings. I'm in the process of making proper rings. But this is enough stalling," Lucius says.

Lèmèi smiles as she releases electricity, shocking Youen.

Before the other two sisters could react, they were shocked as well. Behind them, Zìyóu strumming Nevan with Rudy next to him carrying a rowdy Mary.

Zìyóu was using Nevan to produce music to trap the sisters in an illusion while charging Nevan's electrical power.

The hybrids and Rudy move to Lucius and the girls.

"Good job, kids. You learned well from Master Hiryu. I'm glad I gave you kids Electro Heart and Nevan," Lucius praises.

Lèmèi and Zìyóu smile at his praise.

Lucius looks at Rudy.

"Sorry to get you involved with this mess kid," Lucius says.

"I want a bonus," Rudy jokes.

Lucius laughs.

"Now step back," Lucius orders.

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