A Normal Day at School

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Sophia wake up for her first official day at UA. But saw that she woke up early. Debating between training or doing maintenance on her Red Queen. She ended up on doing a diagnostic on her blade. Mei would kill her for not taking care if her baby.

Sophia worked on the mechanical blade for an hour till she was confident that it's fuel system was better than 100%.

She then showered and got dressed. She was currently wearing dark blue shirt with Demon witten with hot rod red on its chest area and exposed some of her stomach. Biker shorts that accented her curves. And finally combat knee high boots.

She debated if she should where her jacket but decided not to. She wanted the boys and maybe some girls to be shocked.

She looked at her self in the mirror and said, "These mortals are going to have a hard time walking by me."

Kinari on the other hand was forced awake when Nico decided to increase gravity on him. He wanted to protest but couldn't move. It was his daily routine. One would think that his body would acclimated to the gravity forces Nico constantly puts him under but she constantly up the forces applied.

"Okay I'm up. I'll get you food but first let me shower and get dressed," he bargained.

"Da," she babbled as she removed the forces.

He took a bath then gave her a bath.

"You know you can do this yourself. Aren't you embarrassed that I'm doing this?" he asks her.

"Bla," she laughed.

"No that's not it. You are a baby right now. But I know you can turn into an adult. Baby play fetishist," he tells her as he turns his back on her.

This annoyed Nico.

"Oh really now. I thought you would have been embarrassed if had to walk with a little girl by your side," a childish voice said mischievously.

Then the voice changes in that of an adult woman. With a soft yet alluring tone.

"Or had sexy oneechan having to follow you around. And then he punished by her when you misbehave," she said in a seductive manner that would put Midnight to shame.

The wet footsteps could be heard coming closer to him. He could feel her about to embrace him. He froze at the thought. He would have turned around and push her away but last time he did that be saw and felt more than he should. So he just waited for her to finish her teasing.

He waited. And waited. But she never came. Instead he could hear laughing. A baby's laugh. He turned around and saw Nico was back to he infant form.

"Stop that. Your brother is going to kill me if knows how you tease me," he cried out.

Then Nico giggled.

After calming down, Kinari clothed himself and Nico and headed to the dining area.

"Hmmm. No one here yet. I guess I'll make breakfast. What do you want nico?"


"Okay got it. Might as well make some extra for Sophia. It about time she heads down here by the time I'm done."

He went to get flour, sugar, salt, milk,, eggs, strawberries, and bananas to make Sweet Strawberry and Banana Crespelle (essential Italian crepes). He also made some Tamagoyaki. And as a drink vanilla milk shakes with chocolate syrup on top and a chocolate wafer semi submerged in the milkshake.

Once he finished putting the finishing touch, Sophia walked in.

"That smells good. Have any extra?" She innocently asked already knowing the answer.

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