Chapter one

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I was walking to the gym to do my daily workout, when I was done I decided to go to Starbucks for an ice coffee I was sitting in a table when I notice a beautiful woman came in- in a rush, she ordered and ice coffee similar to mines, I stare at her for a while, I was in awe of how gorgeous this mysterious woman was, then she notice my stare and I quickly looked away, I notice she chuckle a little and I started to blush and then she came and told me "Hey I think it's so rude to stare at people that you don't know" I was red like a tomate, I mean she has these beautiful green eyes that you can get lost "Yeah well I don't think so, we can stare at beautiful people and I think there's nothing wrong with that" I realized what I said and look away I was so nervous I don't even know why I tell her usually I'm shy and can't talk to people but she brings me like some comfort, o god look at me i don't know what's happening with me "So you think I'm beautiful?" I just nod "So are you" "Order number 13" "Sorry that's my order I hope I see you around" and se stand up and went to grab her order I was shocked I mean did she just tell me I'm beautiful? I look up to see her one last time but then I realized that she was gone, I don't know why I think she would still be there

2 days later

In the way to my office i was a little upset because I couldn't get her number or her name, then I realized that a beautiful woman like her would never be interested in a person like me, I mean she was way too much out of my league. I mean yes she told me I was beautiful but I think she just told me that because I told her first. But I don't know why I was thinking about her.

I arrived to my office and I saw my assistant Clary.
"Hi Y/N good morning"she said very enthusiastic
"Hi Clary do we have something important for today?" I told her a little bit sad, and i think she noticed that I was a little upset
"You just have an appointment with Mrs. Plaza, byw his daughter wants to know if you would like to go to her party"
I was about to tell her that I wasn't on the mood to go but she cut me off and told me "I think you really need it, I mean Aubrey would never let you said no to one of her parties and I don't know why but you look upset is there something you want to talk about?" O god she knows me so well I mean yeah she's my assistant but I see her more than that I mean as a friend of course
"Yeah I know how Aubrey is, and I think I really need a party because I don't know but these past days I've been so down you know" she just look at me sadly I mean she knows what happened just three weeks ago "But anyways let in Mrs Plaza when he gets here please" I start walking to my office
"Sure and don't forget to call Aubrey"she yelled while I was enter to my office.

I had my appointment with Mrs Plaza and now I'm on my way to my house. Once I arrived I called Aubrey
"Don't you dare to tell me you won't come bitch I told you about these party months ago you have to come" "Hi to you too, I'm good by the way, yeah work had been stressful but nothing I can't handle" "Yeah Yeah whatever, so are you going to come or what" she told me in that voice that I just can't tell her no "Yes Aubrey I will be there, please tell me it's going to be a little party" I asked her because I know her an she always invite people and the she wants me to sleep with her friends "Do you want me to lie or to tell you the truth?" "Aubrey just to be clear I'm not going to sleep with anyone okay" " Come on you have to forget your ex, she hurt, she was a bitch with you" I mean yeah she cheated on me, we ended two months ago, but we were together for a year but still, the fact that she cheated on me hurt me "Yeah I know it's just that I don't want something for just one night you know me" I hope she doesn't push more "Okay I get it but please don't you dare not coming" "Yeah see you there bitch"
I woke up, took a shower and now here I am not knowing which clothes I should wear I mean yeah these party it's an opportunity for me to know some beautiful girl, I mean I don't think there's anyone more beautiful than the stranger I saw in Starbucks but anyways I decided to wear this with my whites converse, my watch is black

 Once I arrived I called Aubrey"Don't you dare to tell me you won't come bitch I told you about these party months ago you have to come" "Hi to you too, I'm good by the way, yeah work had been stressful but nothing I can't handle" "Yeah Yeah whate...

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I looked me in the mirror and I'm satisfied with my outfit, I decided to call Clary to see if I have to go to the office or if I have a meeting with the Law Firm "Hi Clary, do we have something important for today?" "No, just with Mrs Rodriguez" o god to this man just want me to put his neighbor in jail, because they have a dog that it's so noisy "Mmm tell him that I have personal stuff to do and that I can't go" "Hahaha he still wants you to put his neighbor in jail?" "Yeah but I'm not doing that I mean it's no sense, anyways I have to go bye Clary"
I looked at my watch and I saw that it was 12:00 so I decided to do some work in my house, I went to my office and start watching the papers of the divorce of an unhappy couple it's a very hard case because they have a big house that both want it, and they have 3 children and one it's just a kid I mean he's just 3 years old and I can't imagine him hearing every fight his parents have, I decided to make a treat I hope these works I saw my watch and it was already 2:00 I mean the time goes fast
I went to my garage and I decided that I was using my motorcycle

I looked me in the mirror and I'm satisfied with my outfit, I decided to call Clary to see if I have to go to the office or if I have a meeting with the Law Firm "Hi Clary, do we have something important for today?" "No, just with Mrs Rodriguez" o...

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I was opening the garage and Aubrey called me "What's up bitch" "Where the fuck are you"  "I'm on my way why?"  "You're late" "That's not true I'm on time" I mean her party started at 1:30 of course I'm a little bit late but I don't like to be the first "Yeah and why are you the last person to arrive" she yell at me "O come on Aubrey I'm sure I'm not the last person and if you want me to arrive we need to hang up because I'm on my motorcycle and y can't talk so bye see you there"
Geez these bitch always yell at me for no reason I mean yeah I'm late but I'm sure I'm not the last person to arrive

I arrive to Aubreys and parked my motorcycle, I see that maybe yeah I'm the last person I mean there are a lot of cars, I mean yeah Aubrey is a celebrity so she has a lot and I mean like A LOT of friends

Once I enter her house and she saw me she went for a hug I mean yeah we haven't see each other's in like a month of course she missed me

"You came" she said so innocent
"I mean you literally threaten me so I didn't think I have an option" she punch my arm
"Ouch" " Shut up, by the way you look hot, didn't you tell me you didn't want to sleep with anyone I mean If you accept we can go to my room" "Ha-Ha-Ha I don't want to sleep with anyone" I told her then I saw a beautiful woman in the kitchen talking with people I think I know her " So I want you to meet someone" I glare at her and the she told me " Come on it's just a friend of mine and I don't want you to sleep with her" the she mumbled "I mean the one that I want you to sleep with doesn't arrive yet" I punch her a little in the arm " Bitch I heard that" " Shut up and move I really want you to meet this girl I'm going to work with her in a movie" we were going to her kitchen and then I saw her, she was the Starbucks girl

"Hey you this is my best friend Y/N" then the beautiful girl was approaching us 
"Hey don't I know you"

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now