Chapter 65

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I'm going to the place my mom is staying, I'm glad she hasn't gone yet, I know she will be mad with me because of not visiting her sooner, she will be happy to see me as well but I'm sure she is going to scold me and say to me a big speech of why I have to visit my mom, and all of that shit 

As soon as I entered the house I'm tackled by a little human, "Hey little monster, did you miss me" I said to my little brother and he nods still hugging me, "I think we should stand up, because if we stay like this I know for sure I'm going to have a backache later" I told him and he chuckle "You are an old woman" he said and I gasp dramatically "Is that so" I said and before he can say something else I carry him on my shoulder and throw him to the couch, making sure he would not hit anything, I start to tickle him "Apologize" I told him but he is just laughing, "I would not stop if you don't apologize" I warn him, but for his luck my mom got in "Andrea deja a tu hermano" she said and I roll my eyes "He is not apologizing" I told her and she gave me her look, that look is scary as fuck, so I huffed and let him go "You are a little shit" I told the boy that is hiding behind mom's leg, my mom hit the back of my neck "Do not talk to him like that Y/N " she said and the little shit stick out her tongue at me. Luca run upstairs after I mouthed 'You will die', leaving us just my mom and me "You spoiled him too much" I told her and she chuckle "Not as much as you do     Y/N you can't tell him no" she said and she is not wrong "You are like a little child fighting with your brother" she said "Mom we were playing" I told her and she nod sadly "I know is just that, that reminded me when you and Leo played like that" she said sadly. I decided to change the subject because I do not want to cry today "Did you have fun on Christmas?" I ask her and she shrugged "It was the same, but we missed you, I don't know how or why but you make better  our Christmas" she said and I frown "That is not true, I just fight with Roger and dad" I told her and she looked at me in a weird way, before I could ask her she talks again "Are you staying to eat with us" she said and I can see on her eyes, she I hoping I would say yes, "Of course" I told her smiling and she returns the smile

I was chilling on the couch watching tv, waiting for the food to be ready, I insisted to help my mom but she shoo me out of her kitchen, I was having a peaceful evening, that didn't last long because Luca came rushing toward me and jump on me, he almost left me without breath "Are you crazy" I told the boy who is laughing, I put him off of me and he falls to the floor, ups, "Do not cry" I warned him but how I expected he is as crazy as me and he starts laughing, "Again, again please" he said and I laughed shaking my head "Nop, if I do it again you can become crazier, and we don't want that" I told him and he was going to argue back but I got a call

Me: Hi, do you miss me?

S: I do not

Me: So why are you calling, aren't you in Atalanta with my girlfriend, doing reshoots

S: Yes I am, but I came to LA to see Rose, she is sick and the dick of his father didn't bother to tell me

Me: So how did you know about it?

S: Because my daughter called me crying telling me she was not feeling good

Me: OMG do you want me to do something? How can I help?

S: No is okay I'm not calling you because I want you to do something about it

Me: Are you already here in LA? I can go see Rosie and wait to you

S: No I'm already here, I arrived yesterday, thank you though, I took her to the hospital and is just a flue, she is better today

Me: I'm glad to hear that, do you want me to do something about that dick man

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now