Chapter 88

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I woke up because of my alarm I shut it off as soon as I heard it, I don't want to wake up Lizzie. Even though I slept 10 hours I'm still a little bit tired, and I have just an hour to get ready because my flight leaves at 6:00. I got into the shower, and let the warm water fall down into me. I know I don't have time but the feeling of the warm water falling down in my back feels so good. I got changed once I was all showered. I don't want to go without saying goodbye to Lizzie. Oh I forgot we say goodbye to each other now. She convinced me that it was just a superstition the fact that it was bad luck if we say goodbye to each other

I walked to the bed and see Lizzie who looks so comfortable and cute sleeping. I leaned down a little and kissed her head "Goodbye my love I will come back soon, I love you" I told her, she put her hand on my head so I suppose she heard me. I still feel bad about going and not telling her a proper goodbye but I don't want to wake her up either. So I decided to write her a note, I know is kind of cheesy but I don't care right now

Before leaving the room I grabbed my phone and my charger then went downstairs to my office. I grabbed my job camera. I have two cameras one that is just for job and the other one that is personal. After grabbing all I need, I went to the kitchen and prepared me some toast. I will buy an iced coffee at the airport. I need caffeine if I want to concentrate in my job. If I'm honest I don't see it like a job is most like a thing I do because I really like it, is like a hobby, but I get paid for doing it. The twins insisted me, they told me they will feel better if I got paid. I agreed with them because they really are persistent just like Lizzie. I think is a family thing

When I arrived to the airport, I bought my iced coffee. I was waiting in the gate when a girl approached to me. I guess she is 15 years old I'm not good in guessing the age so probably I'm wrong. "Hi sorry for bothering you" she said. I smile at her "No it's fine, everything ok?" I asked her "Oh yes, I just wanted to know if you are Y/N Mancini" she asked me. "Uhm yeah it's me" I told her "Oh you are Elizabeth's girlfriend, Elizabeth Olsen" she said. Oh right my girlfriend is a celebrity "Yes I am" I told her with a little chuckle "Oh but don't feel bad, I mean you are quite famous, I thought you were dating Scarlett Johansson" she said. I'm not sure what to answer her "Well I don't feel bad, I mean I don't think I'm famous and if people recognize me as Elizabeth's girlfriend I really don't mind at all. And no Scar and I are just friends. We have never dated. Of course we are not married and we never were. And Rose is not my daughter" I told her because I know all the rumors about Scarlett and me she just nod "I think you and Scarlett would do a cute couple, but you make Lizzie so happy" she said

I can't contain my laugh, I don't know how she knows that I make Lizzie happy, but I'm glad she thinks so, I like to think so too "Uhm can I take a picture with you" she asked shyly. "Oh yeah sure". I don't know why she wants maybe she wants to say that she was with Lizzie too or maybe she just wants a photo. I really don't know. But I don't mind taking pictures with Lizzie's fans. Is not the first fan who comes to me

It's time for me to board the plane. I sent Lizzie a message letting her know that I was now on the plane. I know she is still sleeping and she won't read the message till later, but I wanted to tell her anyways. I don't like the planes, and I hate long flights. I know this is not a long flight like the flight to London but still. I'm going to take a nap, like that I will not feel it like a long flight

The little nap I was thinking to take became a very long nap. I woke up because we were already landing. I'm waiting for the car right now so I decided to check my phone for me to tell Lizzie that I already landed

Love bug♥️🥰:
Good morning mi amor💞
I'm about to board the plane
I will text you when I land
Love you so much😘😍🥰❣️

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now