Chapter 40

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Fuck I almost said I love you, I mean is not that I don't feel it but I think is way too early to say it, and I'm not sure if she feels the same, I really don't want to end hurt "What we're you saying Y/N?" Aubrey ask "That I Uhm I can't be with you, because I'm with Lizzie and I really love spend time with her" I told her smirking and she laughed, Lizzie is looking at me but I'm ignoring her looks "I'm not joking Aubrey, don't flirt wit my girlfriend" I told her in a serious tone and Lizzie just smile at me "Okay love you need to go and let people have photos of you, and do the interviews" I told her "You know you can come with me right?" She asked and I nod "Yes I know but, I think everyone is going to one a picture of you and Aubrey" I told her and she smile sadly

I was watching how the girls were posing to the photographers for afar, Lizzie can still see me, and sometimes she's looking at me and smiling, suddenly Aubrey put her arms around Lizzie

I was watching how the girls were posing to the photographers for afar, Lizzie can still see me, and sometimes she's looking at me and smiling, suddenly Aubrey put her arms around Lizzie

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I know I shouldn't be jealous but the fact that's they are smiling so widely, really makes something on me

Im looking at Aubrey's arm so focused that I didn't notice an interviewer next to me, "Wow" I said while she approached too close to me "You are Y/N? Right?" She asked and I nod, I'm a little uncomfortable because she has a big microphone and they are recording me "Yes that's me" I told her and she smile "You are here for Aubrey, I have to tell you that I really love your relationship with Aubrey I think she's so happy being with you" the interviewer said and I'm confused she meant like relationships like a couple or like a friendship, "Well yes Aubrey and I care about each other but I'm not here for her, I mean yes but someone else invited me" I told her and she looks confused "Why aren't you with Aubrey taking photos with her?" She asked, I feel she's ignoring my answers, she doesn't give a shit why I answer she just want to have view in whatever platform she post this interview "Because I'm not with Aubrey" I told her with a duh tone "What do you mean you are not with Aubrey", Oh finally she is listening to me, but if she would have listen before she would know the answer, I was about to answer her but Lizzie came "She's here with me, not Aubrey, she is just friends with Aubrey" Lizzie said and I smile proudly, even though she didn't say that I'm her girlfriend

Aubrey came too "Yes as much I would love to be Y/N's girlfriend, she already has one, and it's very intimidating and I'm her friend" Aubrey said "Oh so you know who's Y/N's?" The interviewer asked and I don't know why, but I feel that this woman is interested in my personal life even though I am not famous or something like that "Yes I know her, she's even my friend" Aubrey said "Oh too bad, all your fans want to have something with Y/N and if nothing happened between the two of you, they wanted to be with her" She said and Aubrey laughed, she doesn't look surprised, I mean yeah her fans know me because I used to spend a lot of time with her and she always was posting story's on her Instagram about me "Oh yeah I know but she's happy, and if she's happy I'm happy" Aubrey said and I can see that Lizzie wants to say something "She's with me" Lizzie said and the interviewer looked at her confused "What do you mean?" She said "She is my girlfriend" she emphasized my, Lizzie looked at me and I smile at her, the interviewer started asking more questions but thank god Aubrey stopped her

The day is ending and I'm so fucking tired, but Lizzie is having fun with her coworkers, I'm happy for that, suddenly I remember that Aubrey put her arm around Lizzie and I didn't tell her anything, I need to say something, I walk toward Aubrey "Hey I need to talk to you" I told her and she nod, Lizzie looked at us confused "What's u-" I cut her off with a punch on her arm "What the fuck is wrong with you" she said while rubbing her arm "Why did you put your fucking arm around my girlfriend, I remember telling you to not flirt with her" I told her "I just hugged her" she said laughing but I'm not laughing I really think this is a serious thing "C'mon Y/N you know I would never do that to you, I was just hugging her I don't like her, she's just my friend" Aubrey reassured me "I know it's just that Lizzie was happy around your arm and I don't know" I told her while looking behind her, I didn't notice that Lizzie was behind me by now "Y/N, have you never seen how she smiles when she's with you, I mean Lizzie really likes you I can say that she loves you, and I knew her before filming this movie and I haven't see her this happy, when she's with you she's glowing, it's like nothing matter but you, you don't have to be worried, I know people has hurt you but I'm sure she wouldn't dare" Aubrey said and that is really helpful "Thanks Aubrey, and I'm sorry for punching you" I told her and she chuckled then she left, what the fuck, then I hear a voice behind me "You don't have to be worried, you are very important for me, and I would never hurt you, not with Aubrey, not with your friends, not with anyone, believe me what Aubrey told you it's true, I'm so happy with you, I have never been this happier before, until I met you" Lizzie said and I smile at her "Sorry I just got very jealous, and you know that you are the most important person in my life, you make me the happiest person alive, and I would never trade that for anything" I told her and she put her arms on my shoulders, and I put mine on her waist, we started leaning in until our lips touched, this kiss is very lovely and passionate

We were talking with some random guy, I can't remember her name, when Aubrey came too excited "We are going to have dinner, you guys are coming right?" Aubrey told us and the guy said yes, Lizzie looked at me and I shrug "If you want to go, we can go love" I told her kissing her cheek, "But you look tired" she said "No, if you want to we we will go, I'm happy when I'm with you, I'm going to be okay" I reassured her and she is scanning my face, after a little more discussion she accepted on going, so here we are driving to the restaurants, I'm tired yes, but Lizzie looks so happy so I'm happy

We arrive to the restaurant, and a lot of Lizzie's coworkers started making conversation with me, asking me about my life and what do I do for live, and stuff like that, they are very friendly, we started eating and Aubrey was flirting with the waiter, Lizzie and I noticed that and start laughing at her

We finished eating and some people have already left, it's 2:00 am and they don't stop talking, I yawn and Lizzie looked at me and whispered "You're tired baby?" I just nod "Let's go" she said but I shake my head "No, you are enjoying the night, we can stay a little longer" I told her but she shakes her head "No, I'm tired too, and I want to go bed with my girlfriend and have a lot of cuddles" she said smiling and I smile at her nodding

We said our goodbyes and head to Lizzie's house, as soon as we enter I started undressing myself, Lizzie is scanning my body while I enter to her bedroom "Baby I don't have clothes to put on" I told her and turn around to look at her, when I did so, I see she's smiling at me "What?" I asked her and she walks towards me "Nothing, I'm just so happy to be with you" she said while grabbing some clothes for me "I'm happy with you too" I told her and she passed me the clothes, I put them on and Lizzie starts undressing herself, she grabbed some clothes and I notice she's wearing my hoodie, she walk toward her bed and lay down next to me, I open my arms and she put her head on my chest, I started rubbing her back up and down, "Is this my hoodie, love?" I asked her and she hummed in response, I can hear she was tied too "Night night Princess" I told her and gave her a kiss on the crown of her head


A/N: Sorry guys this is shorter than the other but I really wanted to post one today, maybe tomorrow I would be able to post another one

If you have ideas please tell me, I'm running out of ideas

Also as always don't proof read, so if you see a mistake please let me know for me to change it

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