Chapter 93

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Tom, Sebastian, Evans, and me were dancing and drinking. I was dancing with my beautiful sexy girlfriend but she got tired, I was tired too and I wanted to leave the party soon I mean I didn't want to be long here just a couple of hours but now I really don't want to go I'm having so much fun. I would prefer Lizzie dancing with me but her little cute feet hurt her so she went with Scarlett to sit down on the couch. I think I'm a little bit drunk "Hey let's go for more drinks" Tom said as he drags me

We took 2 shots of tequila and then Tom decided that he still wanted to dance. As we were returning to the place we were, someone pulled me into a hug, I don't know why but I hugged back. I think I know this blonde woman, but I couldn't see her face so I have to wait until we stop hugging to see who it is. I decided to be the first pulling apart because I really need to see who it is. Wow I was not expecting this "Hey, Y/N it has been so long since I last saw you" she greeted me "Yes I know, a couple of years" I told her "How have you been?" She asked "I've been great, enjoying my life" I told her

Then I feel a pair of arms grabbing my waist for behind, oh no I hope Lizzie don't get jealous "Oh hi Lizzie" she greeted her "Hey Brie" she answered as she squeezes me tighter. Ok so they know each other "Well I'm sure you two know each other, but Brie I don't know if you know this but Lizzie is my girlfriend" I told her knowing that Lizzie wanted me to tell her, she must have seen when Brie hugged me "Yeah I'm so happy for you two, I read some articles about you two" Brie told us, I don't know why I'm nervous I mean Brie is a rally good friend, but I'm not sure if Lizzie would like the fact that I'm friend with someone who I used to hook up, I mean she is practically my ex. "How did you two meet?" She asked me. Then I see Scarlett mouthing me 'I'm sorry'

I guess she also thinks that Lizzie will get a little bit mad "Lizzie I already told you don't you remember?" Scarlett intervened. "We met like 3 years ago right, in a dinner" Brie said and I nod "Yes, Scarlett invited me to the dinner and you were there" I said as I looked at Lizzie, she doesn't seem mad that's good "Baby, can you come with me?" Lizzie requested and I nod kissing her head "It was a pleasure seeing you again Brie" I told her and she smile at me "I hope see you around" she said as she squeezes my bicep. Lizzie grabbed my hand and leaded me to were we were sitting

We sat and I'm waiting for Lizzie to talk but maybe it will be suspicious I should talk first "Everything ok?" I asked her and she nod "Yeah I'm just tired and my feet hurts, so I wanted to come and sit for a moment" she said, ok she is not mad "We can go home you know?" I told her and she shake her head "No, you are having so much fun, but you should stop drinking" she said and I laughed "I am not that drunk, I'm just a little bit so I won't make bad decisions" I told her. I think I need to tell her about Brie she needs to know "I didn't know Brie was on the movie I didn't saw her" I started the conversation "Well I can't tell you anything but she will be part of the MCU" she said and I hummed "I need to tell you something about her" I told her and she chuckle

That's weird, "Don't worry baby, I already know, she was a little bit obvious because of the way she hugged you, I know you dated her" she said. A good thing is that she is not mad, at least she doesn't seem mad nor jealous "Well I didn't date her if I'm honest, I mean I never asked her to be my girlfriend nor did she, but we did have something" I told her and she nods "Well you are mine now so if she has feelings for you she will need to fuck off" she said making me laugh "I'm all yours, but she is my friend I hope that doesn't bother you, after messing around with each other we decided to be just friends and we are friends" I told her and she nods " That's ok bug"

I relax my body on her, making her laugh "I'm tired and I'm sleepy do you want to go home?" I asked her and she nods "Yeah let's go bug" she said. I stand up and offered her my hand, she took it, and her big smile never leaving her beautiful face "We should tell Scar that we are leaving, she was with us" Lizzie said and I nod. I spotted Scarlett talking with Brie. We walked toward them "Hey Scar we are leaving now, do you want to come with us?" I asked her and she shake her head "No I will stay with Brie" she said and I nod "Ok, be careful please" I told her and she nods "You are leaving too soon don't you think?" Brie asked "We are tired and I'm kind of sleepy, but I hope to see you again" I told her and she nods her head smiling "I hope that too, Lizzie take care of her drunk ass" she said earning a laugh from Lizzie, I scoffed "I am not that drunk, if you see Tom can you tell him I left, I can't see him anywhere" I requested them and they nod "Bye girls" Lizzie said

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