Chapter 14

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I'm working on the Williams case, and I notice that I have to talk with the kids so
"Hey Clary could you call Allison to see if she can bring her kids I need to talk with them about her mother" I tell her a little worried
"You don't want me to tell Allison that you want to talk with the kids about her don't you?"
"Of course no Clary" she just nods
"Everything okay?" She asks
"Yeah it's just that I don't think we are in the right side, I think the kids should be with their dad" I explained to her
"Why so?, weren't you the one that thought both parents were good?"
"Yes, and I still think so but it's complicated why people have kids and then they fight for them, I mean why don't they just get a deal"
"Well have you offered them a deal? I shake my head "I should don't you think" she nods
"Clary you're so smart" she chuckled "Why you didn't think about that" "Well I thought they knew all of their options I mean they can have a schedule and stuff like that but I thought they didn't want that, I'm going to talk with Scott to see if he can help me" "I don't think you need his help but sure" "Thank you Clary, but still I want to talk to the kids please"

It's now 12:00 and no one its in the office, I think I should head home now, while I was driving Aubrey calls
"What's up Aubrey, you're okay?" I asked her
"Yeah, you" "I'm good, why are you up so late"
"I'm on set, but I'm on a break right now"
"When are you going to finish filming?"
"I don't know, I think we are in the middle"
"Well it's stressful but you like it"
"Yeah I do, why are you up so late"
"I'm heading home I was in the Law Firm working on a case"
"Andrea you can't be out so late, you know it's dangerous" I heard a voice it's sounded like Lizzie "Are you with someone?" I asked her
"Oh yeah Lizzie it's here with me" I wanted to talk with Lizzie but Aubrey was going to tease me about "Oh cool"   "I'm going to have a little party" I laughed "Hahaha Aubrey you don't know what little means, and I can't go so I'm sorry" "I haven't told you when bitch" "Yeah but I'm tired , and I don't want to drink a lot, you know what the alcohol does to me" she laughed "Lizzie it's going to come" I laughed "Well I'm going to see if I go" she laughed and before she can said something "Sorry Aubrey but if I want to arrive home safe I need to hang up" "Okay bye" "Bye Y/N" I heard Lizzie and then I hung up

Next day

I'm on my way to the Law Firm and I haven't heard about Scar so I'm a little bit worried about her she always send me messages or photos about her and Rosie
"Hey Scar" I said very happy
"What's up dumbass" she said very rude
"Wow that's not a good manner to greet your sexy Italian best friend"
"Hahahhahaha the only truth in than sentence it's the Italian" I huffed
"You know I was calling you because I was worried about you but now I'm regretting my decision"
"Aww you were worried, how sweet but why you were I'm fine and Rose it's fine too"
"I just wanted to make sure that you guys were okay, are busy with things or why hadn't you texted me or called me"
"Yeah I'm kinda busy, hey I have a question have you talked with Lizzie"
"Yeah why, I think we're closer and I think I kinda like her but I don't think she likes me back" I explained to her
"You really should talk with her about her love life Y/N I don't want her to hurt you"
"What do you mean Scar"
"She's my friend and your my firmed too so I can't tell you but anyways do whatever you want okay I have to go see you Y/N"
"Uh okay bye"

I arrived to the Law Firm and Scott and I have now the deal for the Williams then J showed up
"Hey weirdo, it had been ages since the last time I saw you" I told to my best friend
"Yeah I know it's just that the photography take my time off, and I have been traveling so"
"Yeah I know J, but you should at least call"
"I'm sorry Y/N I'm going to make it up to you"
"Well you have to dipshit" he laughed
"What about we go clubbing with Max"
"Dude you're just invited me because you don't want it to be awkward with Max, you should just tell her that you like her and there's no way I'm going out with you two alone"
"You can invite someone"     "Who?"
He shrugged so I looked to Scott "I'm not going I have to go home with my family" "You're so boring" "Okay I'm down, did you ask Max" he shake his head "And what are you waiting for" then he leave to tell Max

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now