Chapter 38

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"I can't believe you're making me watch Greys anatomy" Lizzie said and I laughed "C'mon love, you are going to like it, I know that I can feel it" I told her and she stare at me "Okay if you don't want to watch we can put something else" I told her taking the remote control "No, it's okay, I can see you really love it so if you love it I need to watch it, and it would be fun to see how you look watching it" she said smiling "Well I always cry, also there are a lot of people that I really like them, like I have a big crush" I told her and she hit my arm and glare at me "What?, I'm just saying" I told her, rubbing the arm she hit "I don't think is appropriate to say it in front of your girlfriend" she said and I kiss her "You are and always will the first one my love" I told her and she smile while kissing me

Lizzie and I have been together for 2 months, and believe me it has been the best 2 months of my life, the next week is Christmas and I want to spend it with Lizzie but I don't know which are her plans, maybe she would go to New York, I really don't know, I will ask her soon

We're on the middle of the season 1 of Greys anatomy and I can see she likes it, I'm glad, but she can be faking "Are you liking it?" I Ake her and she looked at me "Yes, love bug" she said and cuddled more into me, even though we can't get closer, I got a call and Lizzie groan because she know she has to stand up, because my phone it is not next to me "Relax love I'm not going to answer it" I told her and she hugged me tight
Two minutes later my phone rang again, "You should answer it babe, it might be important"
Lizzie said and maybe she's right it might be something important I stood up and see that is Scarlett who is calling, it's strange because she never call twice when I don't answer her fists call, just when it is something important
"Hey Scar are you okay" I told her worried "Yes everything is okay, Why?" She asked and I can hear she is relaxed so nothing is wrong "It's just that you called twice and that's weird" I told her "I can't call my friend" she said and I chuckle "Of course you can Scar" "Anyways why didn't you answer the first call" she said "Oh I hadn't have my phone" I told her and she hummed in response "Anyways I want to I invite you to a movie night, with Rose and I" she said and I really love to but I'm with Lizzie right now, but I feel guilty because I have canceled her a lot recently "I'm sorry Scar I'm busy right now, I'm with Lizzie" I told her a little nervous, the last time I canceled her, I was with Lizzie too "Oh yeah Lizzie right, I get it you have a girlfriend now" she said in a weird tone "What does that mean?" I told her, and Lizzie looked at me because of my change of tone "Nothing, I will just tell Rose you can't" she said but I feel she is not telling me something "Scar, everything is okay?" I asked her "Yes it is, everything is fine, I have to go Y/N" I was going to say bye but she hang up

That was weird, "Everything okay love?" Lizzie asked me "Yes it was Scar she and Rose wanted a movie night" I told her and she frown her eyebrows "Why does Scarlett wants to hang out a lot with you?" She asked an I really don't know what to answer her, "I don't know I think I used to hang out with Rosie and her a lot" I told her and she smile at me "You really love Rose right" she said and I smile "Yes, I do, that girl is just wonderful and I have known her since she was a little baby" I told her smiling "We should hang out with her, just the three of us, also with Scarlett that should be great don't you think?" She said and I nod "Yes, I will talk to Scar to see what she thinks" I told her while laying on the bed with her in the position we were before being interrupted

I notice Lizzie is getting so touchy, and I fucking love it, she start kissing my neck and she found my sweet spot, I can't take it anymore she is teasing me a lot

Smut Warning ⚠️

I put Lizzie on top of me, she is straddling my lap, we start making out and I realize what we are doing "Lizzie, are you sure?" I asked her breathless, We haven't had sex, we tried twice but she was too nervous because she has never been with a woman before and I totally understand that, "Yes I'm sure, I'm ready, now stop talking please" she said breathless too

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