Chapter 30

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"So where are we going?" Lizzie asked once again "Lizzie I told you that I'm going to show you around, but if you don't want to we can stay home" I told her and she shake her head "Nop I had a good rest, I want to see Italy with you" she said while smiling "I know you had a very good sleep" I told her "Oh yeah and why do you think I had a good sleep?" She asked in a tease tone "Because you slept with me, and you were so comfortable" I said "That's so true, you know I love sleep with you" she said while putting her arms around my neck "I love to sleep with you" I wrapped my arms around her waist "I almost forgot, after we hanging around Italy, we will have our date here so we need to be ready at 8:00 okay" I told her and she smiles and nod, I really want to kiss her

"Bubba you can't go with us" I told my little brother, "But why not?" He said pouting "Because I'm showing Lizzie all the beautiful places we know" "But I wouldn't mind to see them again" he said and I chuckle "Quiero estar a solas con ella, ahora Luca, deja de estar preguntando si puedes venir" (I want to be alone with her, now Luca, stop asking if you can come) I told him and Lizzie looked at us confused "Te gusta, te gusta," (You like her, you like her) he said singing "Stop Luca, so are we clear" I asked my little brother "Yeah whatever have fun" the 4 years old told (A/N: I don't remember if I told you guys the age, if I did and this it's not the age please tell me it's just that I forgot😅)

We were on the car and Lizzie doesn't stop staring at me "Like what you see" I told her "What were you and Luca talking about?" She asked "Nothing important" "C'mon Y/N tell me I really want to know" "You should learn Spanish" "That was Spanish I thought it was Italian I really don't know the difference" she said and she has a very frustrated tone "You need to listen the accent darling, the accent it's the key, also there are a lot of similar words between the two languages" I told her and she nod "I'm going to start learning" she said "I like that you don't know because I can said things to you and you'll never know what I said" "Well I don't like it"

We've been driving for hours, but then we arrived to the place, we parked the car and start walking "Lizzie I warn you, we'll walk a lot" I told her and she smile excited "Yeah it doesn't matter" we walk and see a lot of beautiful places, Lizzie looks very excited, we're taking a lot of photos and an old woman told us that we were a cute couple, we just thank her and smile, we went to Rome, San Gimignano, we saw the Pisa tower and now we're eating ice cream "Are you having fun?" I asked Lizzie and she smiles and nod eagerly "A lot of fun actually, I really want to go to Venice, do you think we can go?" She asked afraid i would said no I laughed and grabbed her arm "Of course bug" we started walking, eating out ice creams when Lizzie suddenly licked mine I looked at her "It really tastes good, now I know why you didn't invite me" she said and I laughed "I didn't think you would like to try it" I told her "Well you were wrong now give me more" I smile and got the ice cream near her mouth and she licked it again "Do you want to try mine?" She asked and I nod she I got close but she put ice cream on my nose and laughed "You're very funny Olsen" I told her while putting ice cream on her nose with my finger, we're really acting like children, after we finished our ice creams I was seeing if we can go to Venice and a friend of mine, could booked us a trip for the river of Venice, we just have to wait a little bit

We were feeding the ducks when a little girl comes near to us "Hey there princess, do you need something" I asked to the little girl that seems to have Rose's age "She's Wanda" she said and I laughed it seems Lizzie has a fan "Yes I am but you have to keep it as a secret, can you do that" Lizzie asked the girl and she nod eagerly, then her mom came "Dio, non farlo di nuovo. Siamo molto dispiaciuti" (God, never do that again, I'm so sorry) the mom said to us and I'm surprised they talked Italian I mean the little girl speak to us in English "Nessun problema" (No problem), Lizzie looked at me "The little girl spoke to us English but her first language is Italian" she said in awe "She must be a very intelligent girl" I told her "What did the mom said?" "She was worried about her daughter, and she apologized to us" I explain to her and she nod

We're now watching the streets of Venice and Lizzie is loving it, I was smiling so widely at her that my cheekbone is hurting "Stop looking at me like that" Lizzie said "Are liking the view?" I asked and she nod "The water is beautiful Y/N, all of these is amazing" "I'm glad you're liking it" we smile at each other and I got a text, I saw that is Clary

Hey Y/N sorry to bother you but it's important

Little Boss🍷:
It's okay Clary tell me

Its Rachel, his husband is suspecting that she's going to demand him

Little Boss🍷:

He hit her face and she has a bruised, she really wants to make this fast Y/N
Also she afraid, once he has the demand, he's going to hurt her

Little Boss🍷:
Tell her she has nothing to worry about, she's going to stay in a safe house and he wouldn't hurt her, also if we convince the judge he will give her security

Okay I will tell her, but when are you coming back

Little Boss🍷:
I don't know, but hopefully soon

I sighed and Lizzie notice my change of mood "What happened?" She asked me a little worried "It's nothing" she can see I'm lying "Please Y/N talk to me" "I don't want to ruin the day Lizzie" "You would not" "I'm telling you at the end of the day okay" she nod and she rubbed my cheek "Okay just know I'm here"

We're now eating and it looks like she was starving "It looks like you really were hungry" she chuckles "Sorry It's just that It was a very tired day but a very lovely, this food is really good, I think we're coming back" I laughed at her "I'm glad you like it" we've been laughing and talking, and now she wants to know where I'm going to take her "Lizzie don't insist I'm not telling you anything, just you have to wear something nice and something what you're comfortable with, and that's not a problem because you look good in everything so you just need to look for something comfortable" I told her and she smile at me "We really need to hurry thing up because I can't wait to kiss you" she said and I blushed

We're now at my house and my mom don't stop teasing us about we going to a date "Mom could you stop" I told her and she smile at me "No la dejes ir Andrea, Ella te hace verdaderamente feliz, lo veo en tu ojos" (Don't let her go Andrea, She makes you really happy, I saw it on your eyes) she said and Lizzie looked at me confused and mouthed me "What did she said?" I just shrugged and she rolled her eyes "Okay so Lizzie is going to get ready in my bedroom, and you're going ti get ready in" my mom doubt it "In Leo's mom it's okay" she smile and Lizzie went to my bedroom

We finished getting ready and I'm waiting for her to appear, suddenly I heard footsteps and I turn around and see her she really looks stunning, I think I already fall for her

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now