Chapter 43

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Lizzie's POV

Y/N asked me to go on a date tonight, and we will go to a fancy restaurant, I know is going to be good be out with her tonight because it will be our last night together and then we will be apart from each other until Sunday, I know there aren't a lot of days but still I'm going to miss her as hell, she didn't take the new I gave her yesterday in a bad way, I thought she would been more hurt or she would hate me but she get that it's my job and that I can't do anything about it, also she said it would have happen anyways and we should be prepared

I don't know what happened but the next thing I'm around Y/N's arm, I think we fell asleep, I need to see the hour, I'm trying to get my phone but Y/N is hugging me so tight, after struggling myself to get my phone I could do it, I saw that is already 6:00 pm, I think we really needed a nap, I turn to face Y/N, and I admire all her features, all the inches of her beautiful face, she looks so peaceful, so calmed, I kiss her forehead, then her nose, then both of her cheeks, she groan but she has a smile that she's trying to hide, but she is failing so bad, I laughed a little "You know that I see you're awake right?" I told her but she is still pretending she is asleep "Okay, I guess I will have dinner with another person, because my girlfriend doesn't want to wake up" I told her, and I was about to stand up but Y/N rolled us and now she is on top of me, "You are not going anywhere with anyone" she said and I grin "I thought you were asleep" I told her "Well I was, but then a little bug started bothering me" she said and I gasp and hit her arm, she chuckle and kiss me passionately, then she moved to my neck and start biting softly sending shivers down my back, I move my face to give her more space to continue doing her thing, she found my spot and starts kissing it and biting but her bites becomes harsher making me moan, "S s stop you need to stop" I tried to tell her but the pleasure of her bites, make it harder for me "Why you need me to stop baby, when I know you don't want it" Y/N said and my body take over me and I shake my head but my mouth said "Yes" she laughed "You need to decide love" she said and I lift her head and kiss her passionately "Yes we need to stop, you said you wanted to go with me to a fancy restaurant, and it's late" I told her and she frown "What time is it?" She asked and rub her cheek "Well it was already 6:00 when I started waking you up" I told her and she grabs her phone "Okay you are right it's pretty late is already 6:23" she said "Well if we want to go we have to start getting ready" I told her and she nods, but she isn't moving "You need to move love bug" I told her pecking her lips "But I'm comfy here" she said and I chuckle "Well we can stay here instead of going and we also can continue the thing we were doing" I told her smirking "It's tempting, but I want to go on a date with you" she said kissing me and now she stands up

"Okay love I don't have my clothes here so I will come for you at 8:30 is that okay?" Y/N asked me and I nod kissing her gently "See you later love bug" I told her but she is not moving, instead she is staring at me "Babe?" Y call her and she just chuckle "You are beautiful my love" she complimented me kissing my cheek, I blushed

I'm watching how she gets on her motorcycle, because she looks hot as hell "Please when you return, come with your car" I shout at her, I hope she heard me

I walk inside to start getting ready, I don't know what to wear, I think I will decide that later

After showering, I searched for my outfit I had three options but I decided to wear this

After showering, I searched for my outfit I had three options but I decided to wear this

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