Chapter 66

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I'm almost done with Leslie's case, I realized that Roger has a big crush on Leslie and that's why he was pushing me so hard to win the case, I think we will win, I mean we have a lot of things that can help us, if the things goes bad for us. Tomorrow we are going to the court, now I'm going to have lunch with Stefania. I tried to call Lizzie but she didn't answer me I guess she is busy

I drove to my house to get change into some comfy clothes, because I do not want to go formal to grab lunch with Stefania, I mean is just lunch and I'm sure is going to be in some cafe so if I go formal I will look too dressed up. I decided to wear a gray sweater with black jeans and white sneakers, something simple

 I decided to wear a gray sweater with black jeans and white sneakers, something simple

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I got ready and now I'm getting on my car. After driving I decided to text Stefania and tell her I am on my way 

Spampinato Stf🔥:
Hey here is the address

Hey I'm on my way

Spampinato Stf🔥:
Me too, see you there bambina

After putting my phone on my pocket I decided to call Lizzie one last time. She didn't answer me again, I think I will have to call her at the night when she is not too busy

I arrive  to the address that Stefania sent me, and it looks like a cafe, but is not a cafe I don't know what it is, it doesn't look so elegant so my outfit is ok

As soon I entered the place, Stefania waved at me. I walked toward her and give smile at her  "Hi you" I told her as sitting on the chair that is in front of her "Hi how have you been?" She asked and I smile "I have been pretty good actually, tomorrow I have to go court and I really think I will win the case" I told her happily "I'm glad for that, and where is Lizzie?, I thought you were going to bring her with you" she said and I shake my head "Nop, she is still in Atlanta, she is coming soon I hope" I told her and she nods "I hope when she is here we maybe can hang out or something" she said "Yeah I will talk to her" I told her but I know Lizzie will say no

We ordered our food and we catch up about all the things that we missed. The food is pretty good, is and Italian place so is Italian food, and they make it really nice, it still has a little of the American taste but is good

After we ate, we decided to go for a walk, "I thought you said you would never date an actress" Stefania said making me sigh, I don't know why she wants to talk about Lizzie and my relationship "Well that was before I met Lizzie, she is special" I told her and she gasp "Should I be offended, I mean am I not special" she said in a dramatic tone and I roll my eyes "Of course you are but I never felt the connection I feel with Lizize when I was with you and we used to hook up" I explained to her "I got it, she is better than me" she said and I don't want to be rude I mean I like Stefania but indeed I prefer Lizzie than her, but I won't tell her that "You silence says a lot" she said chuckling, "Oh look ice cream" I told her walking away to buy ice cream

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now