Chapter 37

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I wake up and I'm in a bad mood I really don't want to go to the office, I just want to be here on my bed, it's so cold outside, I know because I'm freezing here inside my house, finally I found the energy to stand up, but I'm debating if I should take a shower or not, I mean I don't stink, and it's cold, but I know that if I take a shower I would be more awake and I would feel clean, I think I'm taking a shower

After taking a very hot shower I grab my phone and text Lizzie

Good morning bella, I will be kind of busy today but if you need something please tell me

I didn't expect her to answer, because is early and I know she is sleeping so peaceful, Ugh I really want to sleep, I changed myself into something like this

I make me coffee, and toast, I really hope my brother has something important to tell us, because I know him and now of the meetings he does are just bullshit and they are not important at all

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I make me coffee, and toast, I really hope my brother has something important to tell us, because I know him and now of the meetings he does are just bullshit and they are not important at all

When I was driving I got a call and I smile because is Scarlett I haven't go to see her nor Rose, I wonder why she's calling "Hi Scar" I told her happily "Hi here is someone that wants to talk to you" she said and I can hear she is not in a good mood "Hi Aunt Y/N" a very excited little girl said "Hey monster, what you doing" I told her as excited as she "I don't want to go school, I want to see you" she said and now I know why Scarlett is not in a good mood, "I want to see you too, and if I'm honest I don't want to go work either, but you know what Rosie, we need to, because we have things that we have to do even if we don't like them" I explained to the 4 years girl (A/N: Sorry guys did I tell you the age? Or I didn't, if I did and this is not, please tell me to correct the mistake, Sorry I don't have good memory)
"But I still want to see you" Rose said "Yeah and me too, why don't we make a plan" I told her and she accepted it "We do the things we don't want to and after that we can see us" I negotiated with the little girl "But mom it's not going to let me see you" she said "She will babygirl I promise, so do you like the plan?" "Yes I like it, I will go to school now" she said that and then Scarlett is in the phone "Thanks Y/N I really didn't know what to do, she really didn't want to go" she said "Don't worry Scar I promised you I always will help you" I told her "Why we're not married yet" she said and I laughed "As much I would want to, I have a girlfriend" and I told her and I hear her gasp "WHAT?, and you didn't tell me, When did you ask her?, No stop, Who is your girlfriend?" She asked me an I laughed even more "I can't tell you Scar but maybe soon" I told her "What?, but I'm your best friend" "Sorry Scar, I have to go see you in your place at 4:00 okay" I told her "I'm not cooking for you" she said and I laughed "I will take pizza Scar don't worry" "Good, goodbye loser"

I arrive to the Law Firm and park my car, I'm a little bit late as usual, I hope Roger is not mad because that wouldn't be good for all the lawyers in the meeting

I got in the meeting room and everyone is here, I'm the last person, and it seems they were waiting me "I'm glad you decided to accompany us" Roger said sarcastically "Well I didn't have an option did I?" I told him and I think he gets more mad, I just hate when he talk to me like that, don't get me wrong I loved that he helped me with the Massimo thing but sometimes I just can't handle him, he's just like my dad and that's the thing I hate the most

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