Chapter 27

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Lizzie's POV

I think I really fucked up, I mean all of this is just a misunderstanding, yes I was with Robbie in a restaurant, and yes we're kind of dressed up, but he refused talking to me and he insisted going to a restaurant and I really needed to talk with him, but Y/N didn't let me explain her, I need to talk to her but also I need to continue talking with Robbie, so I'm heading back with Robbie

I finished talking with Robbie and I called Y/N but of course she didn't answer me

Please Y/N answer me
I talked with Robbie I ended things with him
We can give us a go
Please Y/N I really want to be with you

It's pretty late so maybe she's sleeping, I wanted to go to her house but maybe it's better if she calms herself so I decided to give her time and went to my house

I'm in bed right now and I checked my messages, but she hasn't reply back I'm so sleepy so I'm going to sleep but before that I sent her a text

I'm going to sleep but Y/N, Belice my it was all a misunderstanding, I want to explain it to you in person but I think you need time to calm down, I will go to your house tomorrow In the morning, even if you don't want to. See you tomorrow

I put my phone down, I can't see stop thinking about her, maybe she won't forgive me I really don't want to lose her

It's the next morning and I decided to grabbed her breakfast before going to her house, I bought her favorite coffee and a bagel, I bought the same for me too, I'm now outside her house, I knocked at her door, but she didn't answer. I've been waiting here a lot but she's not answering the door I called her hundred of times and nothing, maybe she's very mad at me, I decided to call Aubrey to see if she knows something about her "Hey Liz" "Hi Aubrey, do you know anything about Y/N I'm outside her house but she's not answering the door, nor my calls, nor texts" I told her and she sighed sadly "Liz there's something I need you to know, but please you have to stay calm" she said and I can't help but get very worried, maybe something bad happened to her last night, because she was very sad yesterday and maybe it's my fault "Aubrey what happened" "It's nothing bad Lizzie, relax but Scar called me earlier and she told me Y/N was gone, yesterday Y/N told me she was leaving to Italy but I thought she was kidding and then Scar told me that it was true and Y/N left to Italy, I know for sure because I called Roger and he told me that he dropped her to the airport" she left and she's so far away from me, what am I going to do, is she even going to come back "Liz are you there?" Aubrey said and I wiped the tears I didn't know where falling down my cheeks "Yeah I'm here" "Do you want me to come and make you company?" she asked me but I didn't reply her I'm so lost in my thoughts, when I can able to be with her she's not here, when we can finally be happy "Lizzie see me at the coffee near the set, the coffee we went the other day, and we saw Andrew do you remember?" "Yeah I do" "Okay so see you there, Lizzie you need to drive safe, please relax yourself and we'll talk when you're here in the coffee" "See you Aubrey" we ended the call and I drove to the coffee Aubrey was talking

"Lizzie are you hearing me" Aubrey said "Uhm sorry Aubrey it's just I can't stop thinking about her" "It's okay Lizzie, I miss her too, but she will come back, she just went to Italy because she misses her little brother Luca" she said "So she will come back?" I asked her and she nod "It's my fault that she left" "No Lizzie it's not, she misses her brother and she had planned this for a while but she never got the courage to go back to Italy" "Why?" "Well the last time she was there was with Leo and let's just said they had a lot of fun there, so she doesn't want to relive those memories" she explained to me, and yes she's right but she earn the courage because I hurt her and she wanted to be away from me "Yesterday she saw me with Robbie" her face completely changed "So you chose him" Aubrey said and I shake my head "No I was with him talking about ending our engagement and it's done I'm finally single" she looked at me confused "So why did she left" "Because I was with Robbie in a restaurant, and we were kinda dressed up and it looked like a date, she ran out the restaurant and she didn't let me explain to her" Aubrey took my hand "Everything is going to be fine Lizzie, she will come back and you would talk with her" "Maybe if you call her I can tell her everything and beg her to como or just to forgive me" "She's still on the plane Lizzie" I sighed sadly and then "I have an idea"

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