Chapter 61

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I don't know what happened but I fell asleep on Lizzie's trailer, I tried to wait up for her but I failed and fell asleep, she has a lot of scenes to film, and she is trying to finished them earlier because she wants to go home sooner, I don't know how much scenes she needs to film, but I will here for just 1 day more. I know I told Roger that I was going to return in 5 days but I know I'm not doing my job because I spend a lot of time with Lizzie. There are people that need my help and I don't help them because I am with my girlfriend, don't get me wrong I love being with Lizzie but I also have a job and people who need and want my help, so I decided to return sooner, I know I will miss Lizzie but we will be just fine 

I guess I slept a lot of time, because I'm being waken by Lizzie, "Wake up sweetheart" she said in a very soft tone, I open my eyes and look at her face that has a very big smile "Did you literally sleep all the time I was filming" she said and I shake my head "Nop I woke up to pee once" I told her earning a chuckle from her "Let's go home" she said and I nod standing up and stretching my arms

I was about to got in the driver seat but Lizzie stopped me, I looked at her confused "I can see you are still sleepy so I'm driving, I want us to arrive safe and sound" she said and I gave in, not really wanting to drive

We arrive and I looked at her "I'm hungry" I told her "Yeah me too, what you want?" She asked me and I stood there thinking "Uhm I don't know I'm wanting a lot of things right now" I said and she looked at me smirking. I rolled my eyes at her knowing what my horny girlfriend is thinking "I want tacos" I told her and she nods in acceptance "Are you sure you don't want something else?" She asked in a seductive way "You are a very bad influence to me" I told her and she gasp "I am not, you were a very and girl before meeting me" she said and I laughed "Yes I was, and I think I still am" I told her and she nod biting her lip and wrapping her arms around my neck "I can totally confirm that" she whisper against my lips "You know you are like a horny teenager" I told her and she ignored me completely. She crashed her lips with my lips

Lizzie somehow ended on the counter with me between her legs, making out like two horny teenagers. She really is a bad influence I was not horny and now I am, I just wanted to eat my tacos

Our make out session is interrupted by the bell, "Someone is outside" I whispered against Lizzie's lips but she doesn't stop kissing. We heard a knock on the door and she pulled away groaning, and stretching her arms to help her go down from the counter, I helped her and she walked to the door

She opens the door and she returns with a bag that has a big taco on it "TACOS!" I scream excitedly. I really forgot that before our making out session I ordered tacos "When the hell did you order tacos?" She asked making me laughed at her confused look "When I told you I wanted tacos, I totally forgot about them" I told her grabbing the bag of her hands, she scoffed "I can't think you literally changed me just for tacos" she told me and I giggle "This one are good Tacos, when I came here like 3 years ago this tacos were the best ones I have taste since the last ones I ate in Mexico, I mean the tacos from Mexico are the best but this ones are closely to them" she smile at how I ramble about tacos, even though she was pretending being mad with me for changing her for tacos "Did you at least order for me" she said and I nod passing her her plate with tacos "Of course, taste them" I told her and she smile and tasted them "Oh okay these tacos are very good" she said and I smile proudly, knowing she was going to love them "One day I'm going to take you to Mexico and I'm going to show you how amazing is the food there" I told her and she smile at me. We walked to the couch to eat our tacos, Lizzie put her legs on my lap while she eats her tacos.  "Do you have family there" she asked curious and I nod sadly "Yeah I have, there lives my nana" I chuckle remember her "She hates when I call her grandma because she says it makes her feel old" I smile sadly at the memory of her "Why do you look sad talking about her" Lizzie asked leaning a little to rub my cheek, "Because it's been a while since I last saw her, when my abuelo died I distance from her because I really can't go to Mexico again it reminds me a lot of him and all of the things he taught me" I told her and she kissed my cheek "I think we should visit her together, maybe she feels sad for not be able to see this beautiful face anymore" she said making me smile, "I would think about it" I told her and she nods kissing my lips "You taste like tacos" I told her earning a little punch on my arm "You taste like tacos too" she said and she pulled apart I lean down to kiss her again "I did not say I don't like you tasting like tacos" I told her kissing her lips

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now