Chapter 25

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2 weeks later

"Be careful you're going to hurt yourself" Lizzie shout at me while I'm riding my motorcycle, I rode it for a while around outside my house "Lizzie it has been 2 weeks I'm okay, and don't you need to go with your fiancé" I asked her, it's seems she's avoiding him, I just don't know why "Nop I canceled my plans" I sighed "Look Lizzie I really appreciate all the things you have done for me, but I'm fine right now you can go I'm going to be okay" I told her "Yeah just like last night you told me you were okay, but the you were in a lot of pain" "Yeah but that was last night, I don't think I'm going to be in pain, the Dr said it was rarely to have pain in these days, but if you're calmer I'd call Aubrey or A and they can't be with me" she shake her head "No Y/N I promised I would take care of you, so I'm doing it" I groaned "Why you have to be so stubborn" "Oh maybe is because I spent a lot of time with the most stubborn in the world" I just laughed "I can't with you"

We were making lunch when there was a knock, I went to open the door and I see Robbie standing out there "Uhm Hi?" I told him "Hi is Lizzie here" I nod, and he came inside "Oh yeah, sure dude come in" he didn't even hear me he thinks he's in his own house "Who was it?" Lizzie asked "Here you are, care to explain why you don't want to go home with me" Robbie told her very angry "What are you doing here?" Lizzie asked him "I'm here because my fiancée doesn't want to be with me and she's acting weird with me" I think I should not be hearing this conversation so I went upstairs I still hear them yelling a lot of things, and he's very mad at her

I think Robbie is gone, because I don't hear anything, but I don't want to go downstairs because maybe he's still there, then Lizzie come upstairs and she's crying so I stand up and hug her tightly we went to the couch and we're still hugging and she's crying, suddenly she stopped and she looked at my eyes and then at my lips I don't know why she's doing this, we're staring at each other's lips and eyes so we start kissing, and it feels so good, we haven't kissed in so long, I missed her lips so much, then she straddle my hips and now the kiss becomes more passionate, she wants ti take the control but I'm not metí g her, I bite  her bottom lip and she let out a soft and small moan so she give me access, I move to her neck and start kissing, she move her head to give me more access, I find her spot and she moan loud , I leave her neck and kiss her lips, then I realized that we are taking the things too far, if I don't stop, this is going to end in something she might regret later, and this also can fuck up our friendship and that's the last thing I want, "Lizzie, wait, wait" I said breathless "What?" She said trying to catch her breath "We can't do this, I mean I really want to, but we're going too fast and you're engaged and maybe you're just doing this because of the fight you had with Robbie" I ramble and she sighed "Look Y/N, I'm not doing this because of the fight, I really want to because I really like you I know I shouldn't but I just can't stop what I'm feeling, and yeah you're right we're moving too fast and I'm still engaged" she whispered the last sentence I nod and she moves from my lap and sighed, this is uncomfortable "Are you in love with him?" I asked her and she doesn't look at me "I don't know, he's kind and I care about him, he makes me happy, and and I I can't leave him" I sighed sadly "Okay I got it" then I decided to stand up "Where are you  going?" Lizzie asked me "I'm going to the hospital I need to know if I can go back to normal, and if you can too" I told her and went downstairs "Wait Y/N let me go with you" Lizzie said "No, it's okay you need time and I think you want to talk with your fiancé and fixed things or whatever" I told her and left the house

Lizzie's POV

She left, why I always end hurting her, I don't know what should I do, being with her is a big risk, and Robbie, maybe I don't love him anymore but being with him is safer, because I'm used to be with him, but with Y/N is all new I've never been with a woman before, and she makes me do things I would never think I could do, she pull me out of my comfort zone and I fucking love it, when she looks at me I can see that she really cares about me that she would never hurt me, I like being with her because she's  all mystery and I always learn something with her, and she makes me laugh and always hears me, with Robbie is all common and even bored, I don't feel the adrenaline that I feel with Y/N, I think I know what to do, I just hope it's the right thing, I think I need to talk to my sisters again, I talk with them about Y/N and they love her, they keep telling me to present her to them but I deny it they would fall in love with her

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