Chapter 18

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I'm in shock right now I mean Lizzie has a fiancé and she never told me, now I get what Aubrey and Scarlett meant, she was hiding this

Robbie extend his hand for me to handshake, so I handshake the hand of the man that has the person I like, Lizzie stood there in shock, of course she didn't want me to know that she has a fiancé "It's a pleasure Y/N" Robbie said smiling at me "Likewise" I tried my best to smile at him, I mean he looks kind and friendly but she has Lizzie so that means I can't have Lizzie, there was a silence and thanks god Scarlett came "Hey guys" she said smiling and then she saw Robbie and immediately she looked at me "Hey Scar, I'm glad you came" Aubrey said smiling at Scar I think Aubrey has a crush in Scar, Scarlett smiled at Aubrey too
"Hey Y/N can I talk to you" I nod at her

"Are you okay?" Scarlett asked worried
"Yes, of course I mean I just found out that the girl I like and I thought she liked me back has a fiancé so I'm perfectly" I said sarcastically
"I'm so sorry I should have told you" she said
"No, I get it Lizzie is you're friend and I think she should have been the one who tell me"
"Aubrey know you like her?" "No she doesn't, and I think she supposed that I already knew about Robbie but I didn't that's why Lizzie is shocked" Scarlett sighed and hugged me "I think I'm leaving, I'm not feeling good" "No, don't leave, don't let her think she hurt you, you need to play it cool" "I can't Scar she really hurt me badly" "I know and that's why we're going to have fun today" she decided

Lizzie's POV

I don't know what to do I thought Y/N wasn't coming and well Robbie was insisting on coming so I let him, and now I think Y/N hates me
"Do you want something to drink baby" I just nod and he kissed me
"Hey I haven't seen your engagement ring, I have to tell you that it's beautiful" Aubrey told me. Robbie and I were fighting a lot so he thought if we engaged, all of our problems would be solved, and I told him yes when he asked "I thought you had problems with him" "Yeah but I think the problems are solved"
"I'm happy for you, I'm sure Y/N is happy too I mean I thought she liked you, but I think you became a very good friend to her" wait she liked me "What do you mean she liked me?"
"Oh well she was so smiley when she talked about you or if she saw you, and Roger told me Y/N was happy and that he thinks she likes someone, and I thought that someone was you but I think I was wrong, I'm glad you told her about Robbie because she doesn't like when someone lie to her" I nod at her and looked at Y/N, well she doesn't look sad but I know she would be mad because I didn't tell her about him and maybe I was the one she liked because we kissed each other a lot I need to talk to her

"Hey Y/N can we talk" I asked while she was talking with Scarlett, Scar didn't look happy when she saw I was approaching to them
"Sure why not" she said cold to me
"I'm so sorry Y/N" "Why, because you cheated on your fiancé with me, because you hid things from me or because you used me"
"I didn't use you, I really care about you, and I didn't tell you because I had problems with him and I thought we were never going to stop fighting, so I was waiting to break up with him, and then I was going to tell you" she laughed
"Liz I think you have a different meaning of break up with someone, because that doesn't mean get engaged" "I'm sorry Y/N" I told her not knowing what else tell her "Yea whatever"
"Please Y/N don't be mad at me" "I'm not mad at you Lizzie and I hate myself for that I just don't trust you" those words broke my heart and the Aubrey came "Hey guys are you okay?" She asked to us "Yea perfectly, excuse me" Y/N said and excused herself "Why she's acting weird" Aubrey asked me "I don't know"

I'm talking with Aubrey and some coworkers, but I wasn't paying attention to them I was looking at Y/N laughing with Scar and a guy that seems all touchy with Y/N, I thought it was just a random guy they just met but he seems so closely to Y/N and Scar, more with Y/N
I whisper to Aubrey "Hey who's that guy with Scar and Y/N?" Aubrey looked at them and say "OMG he came, he's Andrew, is Y/N's friend, he's Italian like Y/N and he has a huge crush in her" now I know why he's so touchy with her "And how do you know him, I mean why he's here" I ask a little annoyed "Oh he's my friend too, I always invite him to my parties because sometimes he's here and I never know when so I invited him, and I met him a few years ago when Leo died, they were best friend so he came and I think he really helped Y/N" I hummed in response

Andrew and Y/N have been together the whole time and Scar left a few hours ago so they are alone, and they are laughing and she seems happy like a lot I saw that Y/N and Andrew went to Aubrey so I decided to go with Aubrey too "Hey where are you going" Robbie asked
"I'm going to ask something to Aubrey"

"What but why are you leaving so soon"
"Aubrey it's literally midnight and I have to catch up with A I haven't seen him in a while"
"Yea I get it the double A it's back" Aubrey said, double A what does that mean, oh it's because of Andy and Andrew, "I see you around Aubrey" Andrew said and I already dislike his voice "Yeah don't make anything stupid" she winked at him and he rolled his eyes playfully, I looked at Y/N and our gaze met, and there's something in her eyes that seems different she looked away and hugged Aubrey "Goodbye Elizabeth" and she told me goodbye, we have never say goodbye since the first fight we had, and she left with him

1 week later

She hasn't reply my texts she just read them, I miss her a lot, I miss hang out with her, eat with her, when she always talk to me about her things, when she listened to me like nothing else mattered just me, I miss kissing her lips and cuddle with her

I thought you weren't mad at me
Could you please reply my texts
Please Y/N I miss you
We were friends
I want you in my life I know I fucked up but please forgive me

I sighed sadly because I think I lost her, because all my stupids decisions
"You okay?" Aubrey asked me I nod
"You have been like this since the party what's going on Lizzie" "Y/N is mad at me and doesn't talk to me" she looked surprised "Why?" I don't want to feel her because she's going to feel guilty and she's going to blame herself "It's nothing Aubrey" It's better if she doesn't know
"C'mon Lizzie I want to help, tell me" I sighed
"I didn't tell her about Robbie, and she thinks I just used her" she looked at me confused "So at the party I was the one who told her about Robbie and your engagement?" I nod "I'm so sorry Lizzie I thought you already told her, this is my fault" I shake my head "No Aubrey it's mine I should have told her when I had the opportunity, it's not yours" "Wait but why she thinks you used her" I looked at her and "Well Aubrey I'm a bad person" "You're not Lizzie"
"Yes I am, I cheated on Robbie with her"
"And you're going to marry him" I nod
"I knew you were the one she was all smiley, Lizzie she likes you and if you cheated on Robbie with her, it's because you like her too"
"That doesn't matter Aubrey she's mad and she told me she doesn't trust in me, she doesn't even reply my texts so I fucked up"
"Lizzie if you like her you should give it a go" I'm glad Aubrey didn't judge me, I mean she's a good friend and we're close

I was in my trailer, looking at my phone when I got a text

I thought you weren't mad at me
Could you please reply my texts
Please Y/N I miss you
We were friends
I want you in my life I know I fucked up but please forgive me

I already forgive you

I smile, I mean it's not to much but she reply, I didn't hesitate and reply her back

Can I see you and explain to you

I thought you already did

Yeah it's just I want to see you and talk and try to fix the things between us, I miss you, I miss us

Sorry I have work

When are you free?

I don't know, maybe never Bye Lizzie

I don't know what to do, I think I do like her, but I can't leave Robbie, I don't know what to do, I'm so confused right now and I miss her with all my heart

A/N: Sorry if I didn't post this weekend I was studying for my exams also I don't think I'm going to be able to post for the same reason I promise I'm going to try

Also if you have suggestions tell me

I hope all of you are okay and Sorry I hope you understand

I'm not leaving the story I mean it's just going to be this week, but im going to return If you have ideas let me know please it would help me a lot

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