Chapter 17

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It has been a week since Lizzie and I kissed for the second time, I'm happy right now because well she's not ignoring me, and we have been flirting with each other, also she sometimes is in my house and well, we make out sometimes, I'm planning on invite her to a date but I'm nervous because I don't want to be so fast and she ignoring me because I went to fast so, I'm taking my time.

Right now I'm in the Law Firm and I get a text from her

Are you busy?

I'm never busy for you🙃

Good, I'm glad to hear that
Anyways can I go to your place today?

You don't have to ask you're always welcome to my place

Hahaha okay, when you get out of work?

Well when do you want me to get Ku of work, I can always ask for permission to the boss

I don't want you to have problems with your brother because of me

You don't cause problems Lizzie
And I have done a pretty work these last few days so the boss is happy also he loves and sometimes he can't tell me no

Well I get out of work at 5 today you can come for me, we eat at your place and we spend sometime together how does that sound?

See you at 5 😙


I'm smiling so hard right now to my phone
"Why are you so smiley" Roger asks me
"Oh it's nothing, I have plans for later so can I go a little bit earlier please? I ask my brother
"Only if you tell me with who you have plans"
"C'mon it's just a friend Roger"
"But you were smiling at your phone and I supposed it was the person you're going out"
"I was smiling because of a meme"
"Mhmm, sure sis" "So can I go?"
"Are you seriously asking me for permission?"
"No, of course no I'm leaving even though you don't want to"
"Okay sis, hey by the way theres a new case, please don't take the case it's suspicious so don't read it because if you do you're going to be interested in the case" he tells me and I nod "I want to meet this person Andy" I threw him a pen
I don't know why Roger told me not to get involved in the case I mean he telling me not to it's just make me want to so I'm going to peek just a little bit
"Hey Clary do you know something about the new case, that the boss thinks is a little bit suspicious?" I ask Clary "Y/N Andrea the boss said to me not to give you the case so please don't take it" she says in a serious tone "C'mon Clary I like difficult cases" "Yeah I know but this could be dangerous and I can't let you be In this Y/N I care about you" I just nod "Don't ask anything Mancini, Is dangerous" she emphasizes dangerous
Of course I'm not going to give up I'm going to ask everyone, I like what I can't have so I decided to go with Max "Hey Max" "You heard about the case didn't you" "C'mon Max you know I'm going to know so can you be a good friend and give me the papers of the case" "No Y/N I'm serious don't stick your nose in this" "I hate you Max" I decided to go with Scott he's going to give it to me "Hey Scottie" I say to him because he hates when someone call him like that "What do you want Y/N" "the new case please" "I can't give it to you" C'mon Scott, if you don't give me the case I'm going to tell the boss that you had sex in the office" "Okay okay here you go" he passes me the case

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now