Chapter 56

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Lizzie is gone and now I know I'm  going to miss her a lot, but I think we also need to learn to be without each other, in all relationships is good to be alone sometimes and also to know how to live without your partner, I know it doesn't sounds right, but I think if we are so attached to our partner, and we don't know who we are, or what to do without them, we can't be a good partner if we are not good with ourselves, I don't know if this makes sense but it does to me so whatever, I'm the kind of person who needs to learn how to live without Lizzie, and more now because she is always going to travel around the world while I'm here stuck in LA  without being able to be with her

I drove to my house, and I'm craving Italian pizza, the one that Luigi cooks, what a shame that Luigi works in Italy, I think I'm going to search a place that sell the kind of pizza I want here in LA

I can't find a place, ugh I don't feel like cooking, I don't know what I will do I guess I won't eat. When I was still searching I got a call

Me: Hi my love. I greeted her with with a big smile
Lizzie: Hi bug, what are you doing? She asked curios with a little frown
Me: I'm looking for pizza.
Lizzie: Mmm pizza? She asked me
Me: Oh yeah is just I'm craving Italian pizza, but those pizzas that really taste like Italian pizza you know what I mean? I asked her
Lizzie: Uhm I guess, where are you?
Me: I'm on my bed why?
Lizzie: Uh is just I didn't recognize the place
Me: Oh weird, anyways how was your flight?
Lizzie: Boring, and I'm so tired, I miss you already
Me: I miss you too, hopefully I can go and see you soon
Lizzie: I hope so too, Baby, you haven't eaten anything yet? She asked me
Me: Uhm no, because I was looking for a place where they cook the pizza I'm craving
Lizzie: Do you know is already late?, you really should eat something now, I don't want you to get sick, and you promised me that you would take care of yourself
Me: I guess I will have to wait to go Italy to eat Luigi's pizza
Lizzie: Why to Italy?
Me: Because there is where Luigi works, and the pizza I'm craving is his pizza, I was looking for a pizza that would look like his, but I couldn't find anything
Lizzie: Well, you should eat something else
Me: Yes I will ma'am
Lizzie: I will go to sleep now babe, I'm tired
Me: Yes is ok bella, the time is different there right?, what time is there?
Lizzie: It's 9:32
Me: Oh here is 6:32, anyways good night love, dream about me, love you
Lizzie: Hahaha, love you too love bug, dream about me too

We hang up, I guess I will eat something else, something simple, I decided to eat sushi, I decided to order take out, I'm not in the mood to go out for now, and tomorrow I have work so I need to rest, because I already know that Roger is going to give me a lot of work, just for not been with the family on the holidays

Is the next day, and I don't know how I ended sleep on the floor again, It had been a while since I slept on the floor, I just hope I don't have a panic attack, because always when I ended up sleeping on the floor without knowing how, I always have a panic attack, but I think my anxiety is calmer

I stand up and take a shower, I put some clothes, not too formal nor informal and, I see that I have still time before I have to go to the Law Firm, so I'm going to make me blueberry pancakes, when I'm making them I got a text from my love

Good morning bubs
Are you awake?

Love bug♥️🥰:
Yes I'm awake I'm making breakfast
|Read 7:48|

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